Recommendation on which Iontopherisis device to buy


Well-known member
hey, I think I'm going to go ahead and buy the device since the homemade one is kinda flimsy and it's not working as well as i expected after a month of treatments. I'm going to get the Idromed 5, but when I was looking at the site Iontophoresis device against sweating, stop sweating guaranteed, stop the sweat. - Markus Bindner I only see the Idromed 5 DC or Idromed 5 PC, but I don't see the GS or PS that you guys talked about, wat's the difference between the four? Should I get the Idromed 5 PC? that seems to be the optimal one


Yes it certainly looks like it.

I'm thinking of buying a machine too, but what made you choose Idromed instead of other models e.g. Idrostar (see my post)?