Recent content by giveme5

  1. giveme5

    how to have and maintian good conversations

    I can be witty, i can be fun, i can be humourous, most of the time......but ONLY among my closest bunch of friends. Other wise.....I'm like a plain plain boring girl. its sad. I stay in a residential college, and we always have meals together in these tables that sit up to 8 people. I always...
  2. giveme5

    Good Conversations

    How do you start and maintain good conversations??? Sometimes, i manage to start a conversation with someone and have it going relatively well. but after a while, it just start stops and i just can't think of anything else to say. i hate those awkward silences, so i end up saying something...
  3. giveme5

    am i abnormal?

    hi hi. i'm glad i chanced upon this forum. I think i need help. I've realized that I might have a problem. anyways. here goes.. i have always been quiet. ever since i was a kid, my social circle was small and i was always afraid of meeting new people. but it was okay, since i had a few...