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  • Quite a few comics make jokes about footballers being stupid.That does annoy me at times due to it being a stereotype.Kicking a ball around for a living does not automatically mean your stupid.

    Do you follow any sports.
    Hi.I think even if a product such as an album is good,if it gets hyped too much to convince people its brillent,then the listener may end up being disappointed.They were expected something brillent,even though the product was good.

    There are too many radio shows,talk shows,magazines,willing to hype a product for an interview,guest appearance on their shows etc.I do like listening to some radio shows on Absolute radio,Radio 5,Radio 4 if they have a presenter that is funny.I have listened to various radio breakfast shows for years.
    Hi.Im not keen on stereotypes in general to be honest.The working classes being portrait as thick,lazy etc on tv,is unfair.If there is balance,were some working class characters are not stereotypical and some are in the same program,then I find that less anoyying.Thats just me though.What do you think.

    In a way it can be comforting to like some thing such as a tv show that lots of others like.But its when people try to make someone else feel bad for not watching something or liking it then thats not right I think.When something is too hyped then that can put me off it,even if its something that I might of liked.When the hyping dies down then I sometimes will watch that film,programme etc.There are a number of people,magazines,tv shows,radio shows that will build up a product not always based on its quality but for other reasons.Its an industry.
    Hi.I dont tend to like comedy that involves making fun of people based on how they look,sound.It can come close to being a form of bullying when multiple comics,etc target a person.If you disagree with what,someone has done or said,then fair enough if a comic,etc wants to say so though within reason.I do believe in freedom of speech but people also have the right to not be abused verbally etc.It can be a tough line to walk and hard to get the balance right in my head.

    Yes,like you said some people possibly are more easily offended than others by a comment or action.People have the right to be offended,but its when some people start mounting campaigns etc,to get people sacked or punished etc,that maybe is taking it too far.Some people are really sensitive.If someone does not like a show,comic,then they dont need to watch it or the act.
    I could not imagine shows like Birds of feather,Benidorm,the Job lot being on BBC.Itv does unfortunetly rely alot on reality shows but good on them for showing some comedies with working class characters.I do watch Outnumbered,Have I news for you, on the BBC but I would class them as more middle classed comedy.

    I have some class issues as you may have noticed.Hehee.
    Hi.I remember watching birds of a feather.It was hit and miss at times for me comedy wise but I enjoyed most of it.They showed the new series of Birds of feather recently on Itv.But I missed it.Unfortunetly alot of british comedies only seem to have 8 or so episodes.Blink and the series has finished.Series like Dads army,Are you being served etc were 20 plus episodes.

    Another show I enjoyed featuring working class characters was the Job lot on Itv set in a jobcentre.I watch quite alot of BBC but I think the tv on there can be elitist and quite middle classed.

    I enjoy some cultured shows about science,politics but others may not.I wander if the bulk of the BBC shows are aimed at the middle and upper classes.Maybe they feel like Eastenders,strickly come dancing,the voice is enough to keep the masses happy.
    These shows dont appeal to me but I know they are popular.What do you think.
    Hi.I liked still Open all hours too.David Jason has not aged well I think but is comedy timing etc is still spot on.Not many comedy shows feature working class characters so thats another reason why I like it.

    Good that some of the originals like Nurse Gladys are in it.Are there any other classic comedy shows you would like to see brought back.

    There is a good radio channel called radio four extra that has quite a few comedy radio shows.Shows like Dads Army,Just a minute,Hancocks half hour ,Count Arthur strong.I perfer the tv version of Count Arthur Strong to the radio version.

    A channel call Drama shows a few classic comedy shows like The Liverbirds,No place like home.

    What would you say are your top ten ever comedy shows including contempory shows.
    Hi.Muse are one of those bands that you can rely on to give a good live performance.I like the way they change some of their songs when live to make them more rocky.Im still a fan of theirs but not as much as I use to be.I liked their more rocky sound on albums like Absolution.

    Is there much of a music scene in Scotland.I know about Travis,Frans ferinand and Biffy Clyroy.
    Hi.The red button is good for sports too like tennis,big sporting events like the Olympics.I remember watching the London Olympics on the red button.Im a big fan of comedy shows and over the years the BBC have had some good ones.Open all hours,Only fools and horses,Dads Army,Chef.Lately though there does not seem to be as many new comedy shows in the schedule.There are a few though like Count Arthur strong,Still open all hours,Room 101,that I like.How about you.
    Okay.I have watched quite a few Glastonbury festivals on tv over the years.The BBC coverage on red button etc is first rate and its possibly as good as being there.I mean I dont have the stress of traveling there and back,worrying about getting around the venue to see the acts I want to see.Deal with the mud,etc plus the whole experience is so expensive including travel.

    Unfortunetly the tv coverage usually does not show the non music acts at Glastonbury.Such as the poetry shows etc.I do like poetry alot.

    What were some of your favourite sets from the tv coverage of Glastonbury and other festivals.I remember seeing Nine inch nails,Muse,Radiohead on tv doing their sets.It does look amazing on tv seeing rows upon rows of people with their hands in the air.

    There are lots of concerts on you tube.I like it when the lead singer talks to the crowd between songs and cracks a few jokes sometimes.
    Hi.Rock concerts can be too loud at times.Ear damage can be the result.Definely the best concerts stay with you for days and longer.I do get a natural high and buzz from the music I love.I dont smoke and rarely drink so music is my drug of choice.Heehe.

    You mentioned disability access.Is that a priority for you.

    What do you think of festivals like Glastonbury,Reading and leeds.Do you watch them on tv etc.
    Hi.Appoligizes for slow reply.I watch springwatch and the various seasonal versions sometimes.The BBC has reduced the length of the series to a week for some reason.Kate Humble gets involved in interesting shows.Shows about volcanoes,farming,weather,the sea.

    I try to not miss Gardens world when its on and Im looking forward to it returning in spring.

    I have some issues with the shear number of posh people on tv etc and class in general but I still enjoy most of David Attenboroughs stuff.I enjoyed his Africa series,his Blue Planet series.How about you.
    I've always found Scottish accents to be my favorite for some reason. Maybe because I also find the country beautiful? And don't worry, I'm pretty sure no one likes how they sound when they listen to a recording. I know I personally hate my voice and find myself to sound like a pre****scent boy. :eek:mg:
    Hi.Sounds like you have seen some of the best rock bands around.I found queeing up outside the venue difficult and stressful due to the crowds.Once I got inside and the show started I felt quite comfortable .I quickly got lost in the music and was singing the lyrics along with the group.Even felt nice at times being part of a crowd of music fans.How was it for you before,during and after a gig.

    I think I perfer seeing groups in a medium sized arena like Brixton Academy were I could see the band on stage with my eyes rather than on a screen in a much bigger venue such as a stadium.I have never been to a gig in a huge venue though.

    I love nature documentaries about coral reefs,sealife,plants,birds,insects like butterflies escpically.David Attenborough,Kate Humble,Chris Packham are some of my favourite wildlife presenters.How about you.
    Appartently alot of the bigger bands can really earn alot when they go on tour.Groups and artists like U2,The Rollingstones, Beyonce etc.I recoganize that music is a business and its a capitalist society we live in.Market forces etc but some of these groups do charge alot for their concert tickets.

    I read that U2 made something like $772,044,344 on there 360° tour.
    Appartently the Rolling Stones concert for the O2 arena in 2012 cost something like £106 per ticket.

    I have been to a couple of concerts and I only spent something like £30 on a ticket.I have seen Muse,Maniac Street Preachers,Good Charalate and Deftones in concert.But I have not been to any other concerts in years.Have you seen any bands live.
    Hi.I actually quite liked doing maths in school and given pen, paper and time I can work out alot of things.Average match skills.Calculators are useful but it stops people doing basic maths they should be able to work out themselves.

    With the increased popularity of texting,alot more text speak has entered mainstream I think.More people substitute words,use less punction etc.It can be irritating reading a text message,email, were half the words are in text speak.I do like emoticons and phrases like lol to show emotions though.Im not that tightly wound.Heehe.

    I have watched some good music documentaries too but I perfer nature documentaries.
    You mentioned groups etc forming their own labels.I imagine not all groups,artists have the knowlege,interest and business sense to run a label.Plus it must be time consuming to deal with the day to day of running a label.Maybe some people are more hands on than others.

    The whole issue of labels owning the rights to the bands music is interesting.Plus can a group become very popular and succesful without a label backing.Using the internet etc.

    Even if a group does sell millions of records how much money do they get from each album sale.
    Hi.It sounds from your last message that you dont just listen to music but also like reading about how the records were made etc.I tend to be mainly interested in listen to the music really but what goes on behind the scenes often can be quite interesting.I should probably pay more interest in it since I like knowing how things work.

    I did hear an interview by Mark Tremonti who was speaking about having to change labels once he spilt from Creed and then got into Alterbridge.He claimed the label was not pushing Alterbridge on radio etc due to them being more interested in Creed.It sounded like a stressful time for them.
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