Recent content by Lost_Nomad

  1. Lost_Nomad

    Mental forks in the road

    does anyone find it really hard to make decisions, even about simple things. I can't even go to the store without knowing exactly what i want, if its not there i strangly start to panic . other things like going places, its hard to go out even if i have a place to goto, but it gets worse when...
  2. Lost_Nomad

    The Pretender

    we're not real. thats what i feel most of the time, we're just pretending to be like every one else, but one day they will find out and then you get rejected. trying to pretend that your not afraid, not depressed, its very hard. you see thats what makes us so different from every one else...
  3. Lost_Nomad


    how much encouragement do you get from parents friends etc.... i get put down most of the time by my parents, even when they "encourage" me its a put down. most of the time i just try to avoid talking to them. i stoped calling my friends long time age so no freinds. i think the only...
  4. Lost_Nomad

    how noteable is your SA

    Does every one have SA that people can see , or is it just something you feel but dont show. I myself have notesable SA and allthough i try to hide it i cant most of the time. :?
  5. Lost_Nomad


    Hikikomori is japanese for social withdrawl. statisticly the japanese are the most shy culture in the world. the average person on the street would have difficulty to argue and vent out rage the same way people in the west do, again this is cultural and its about keeping everything in "harmony"...