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  • Mr. Jonessss Mr. Jonessss... can't help but think about the Marvin Gaye song now... tho it's about a Mrs. Jones...

    YouTube - ‪Billy Paul - Me & Mrs Jones‬‏
    hey, no prob. im doing pretty good. queen is awesome! they dont make bands like them anymore.
    Yep, okay, good so I'm just gonna marry you now..
    Hola! No estic al chat perque estic passant uns papers del negoci del meu pare a l'ordinador i si començo a parlar pel chat no ho acabaré mai
    hehehe :) yeah i think u r pretty famous here like a celebrity of spw! along with others here.. n yeh one day i join, if i dare...::eek::
    your english is pretty good, way better than mine. i think i will embarrased myself if i post, maybe one day when i am brave, and am a fast thinker i will! hehe :)

    & Yay! new buddy with mr famous! ;)
    Hi MrJones! Why, thank you! I also like it too and i enjoy reading all your post, esp in the person above you!! :D
    your really hilarious! keep being funny!
    Hehe thank you, I like your posts too - we will work through this together :) Glad you like Daria too!! There's loads of stuff on YouTube, if you haven't found it already :)
    Wow thank you so much!
    Your's are great too!
    And the party will be awesome ^^
    haha I know. I think thats how I ended up using this one I must of been hypnotized into using it lol. Glad you like it, Seems to be going down well among the users :)
    Troll face? I hope that was not what you were trying to say lol

    Are there still protests there? Oh, and awesome music taste by the way. Even though I feel bad saying that to a Barcelona fan ;)
    I have a human suit I wear. =D

    And I've had that Kramer shirt for years, I think when you first joined I commented on your avatar. Always loved it =D
    Wow, what a charmer. :) I've pretty much scoured that thread. Your picture is not to be found, is it?
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