Recent content by socratic

  1. socratic

    My cure

    Ive had social problems for over 10 years now and this year ive made advances in leaps and bounds. A lot of my problems arise from pyschological problems and i read a few books which really helped me to understand these problems. I'd recommend them to anyone and they really have worked for me. A...
  2. socratic

    Anyone else finding excessive religion posts bit too much?

    Is anyone else finding it a bit over the top with the religious posts lately? Personally i feel like non religious people are being ostracized, the only way to interact with any of the conversations is if its about jesus? The posts dont really make any sense, ive tried to interact. Theyre just...
  3. socratic


  4. socratic

    Technique i use

  5. socratic

    Jose gonzalez

  6. socratic


  7. socratic


  8. socratic


  9. socratic


  10. socratic


  11. socratic

    Jiddu Krishnamurti on effort, acceptance and contentment

    "For most of us, our whole life is based on effort...Why do we make effort? Is it not, put simply, in order to achieve a result, to become something, to reach a goal? Is not all such effort the activity of the self? Is not effort self-centered activity? If we make an effort from the centre of...
  12. socratic

