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  • Thank you for explaining, I really appreciate it. That makes sense, it does come down to individuals. I get how you want to protect yourself. I'm a strange combination of mega-introvert with a healthy dose of self-confidence. People think I'm a snob. HA! Bookworms don't really know how to talk to people, say nerdy, way-out things and we get the "ah huhhh, really? ok, bye" *weirdo!* Do you watch The Big Bang Theory?
    I suppose it comes down to individuals. I am unhappy with my looks so I think with me it comes down alot to hating anyone who looks and is confident in themselves. That being said, I have hated a few girls on site, then got to know them later and they are lovely. I get judged on my looks all the time because I don't fit the 'feminine ideal'. Someone might glance at me on the bus or street and I automatically think that they are judging me or calling me fat or ugly. So in a way, I might be just putting up a reflex or wall so I don't get hurt if they do say something? I don't know, life isn't fair especially when people think the way I do and it's hard to understand, I sure as hell don't. I'm sure if I got to know you, then we might get on, as we have very similar interests!
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