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  1. Z

    behaving differently around different people/groups

    I find that I often "adapt" my personality to certain people. It's like with each individual (co-workers, friends, family) I develop a certain image or personality that "fits" with that person. I wouldn't behave a certain way or talk a certain way to one person as I do with another. Sometimes...
  2. Z

    The right time to speak up

    Does anyone else always have trouble with knowing when exactly to speak up in a conversation (with multiple people)? Whenever I am in groups, and something peaks my interest and I want to chime in, most of the time I wait for a quiet moment, and then when I speak almost always someone else...
  3. Z

    Relationship to parents

    Do you think not having a strong or solid relationship with your parents can make people less confident and socially capable and other mental problems? I lost my parents at an early age and feel that it sort of emotionally left a hole in me, like it left me without a solid basal foundation in...
  4. Z

    Getting unstuck

    I like this motivational speaker and especially this particular segment. Often hearing him talk can ignite the spark in me to "get going" when I'm in a slump (procrastinating from doing things I need to do) and he says some profound yet simple things that I sometimes need to reinforce in myself...
  5. Z

    Need some advice career-wise

    For the past few years I've fallen into serious depression and the 'stuck in a rut' feeling has overcome me for quite a while. I studied art, and fell out of the study. Lately I've been trying again and again to be productive and make things, but it's just not coming out the way I want: I feel...
  6. Z

    Ego problem

    Because I've suffered from serious stagnation in life during my twenties, (not finishing college, several years of isolation, not having a sufficient social circle) I've started to develop quite a serious ego problem, probably stemming from feelings of feeling inferior. Basically I have this...
  7. Z


    Often when there's a lot of stuff going on around me, like a conversation with multiple people in the same room, I tend to get a little over-stimulated. Sometimes I also feel like I get a little manic, get too laugh-y, say dumb/inappropriate things etc. I feel like I totally lose my normal self...
  8. Z

    My mind turns into a cesspool

    If anyone ever watched Ren and Stimpy, this is what my brain feels like, the inside of Ren's head. I recently have been having horrible outbursts of negative thoughts, when alone, about other people that I know or sometimes just general misanthropy and hate for groups of people. It's like a...
  9. Z

    Only do things when absolutely necessary

    This is really a theme throughout my life. I only really work at things to get it done, when there's an absolute necessesity for it. And I do mean necessity, like I'd end up a hobo if I wouldn't act. The rest of the time I procrastinate, or make plans or dream, while the piles of bills/work...
  10. Z

    Humans antromorphing animals

    What do you think of this? My sister has a dog and several cats, and she talks to them, and makes up/ attributes human personalities to all of them. She has almost no friends. I don't want to be too judgemental of her, but sometimes it scares me a little to the point where I don't know wether...
  11. Z


    I feel sometimes better if I over-eat, especially when I have to sit down and focus on something. Often when I start something, and I am eating healthy doses, I feel like some sort of emptiness, and restlessness and also tiredness. Easily distracted. When I eat a lot, and drink a lot of soda...
  12. Z

    Messy home

    One of the things I constantly have to deal with but don't do, is KEEPING MY HOME CLEAN. I feel so much better when my room is in a state of tidyness instead of looking like a junkyard. Sadly, I always let it slide, and then my depression and anxiety and mood swings go through the roof again...
  13. Z

    Urge to sever friendships

    I'm tired of always being the one that initiates contact all the time and at this point I'm like f*** em. It's not worth it anymore and it just brings me down. Since making some radical changes to myself a few years ago to be more initiative taking, it seems like people had already given up on...
  14. Z

    Aimless and lost

    I just want to say this is a depressing rant in advance. Days/months/years pass by, and I am stuck in a giant rut. All I have is a night job that I hate, and that's not even fulltime. I feel miserable and aimless on my days off, I try to get things done but I just feel tired and lonely. I...