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  1. krs2snow

    Re-Reading posts

    I haven't been on this forum in quite some time. Coming back to it gave me the opportunity to re-read some of my posts. Wow! What an oppertunity! First, I thought "who is that giving such brilliant advice and insight" Lol! Twas me! I thought I seemed Intelligent! And likeable! But mean at times...
  2. krs2snow

    Missed Opportunities

    I found this old tin cannister thing that I've kept. Over the years I put various pictures and letters from pple and I had totally forgotten about most of them until tonight. I'm so depressed I could just burst. The letters are from friends, family and former love interests. All the love...
  3. krs2snow

    If You Really Knew Me

    What would we know about you if we really knew you?
  4. krs2snow

    Moon Landing... Hoax?

    Was it a hoax?
  5. krs2snow

    Truth behind Psychiatrist Industry... Cont.

    Hi Danfalc. I appreciate that u have to make a judgment call on these threads and decide when to close them and when to leave them & that can be very difficult. But, i think u often close a thread just when people are getting to the crux of an issue. Honestly, I think u made a mistake in closing...
  6. krs2snow

    Are we choosing our life?

  7. krs2snow


  8. krs2snow

    Clinically diagnosed or SELF Diagnosed??

    Hey all. Have you been clinically diagnosed w/SA or are you self diagnosed?
  9. krs2snow

    Sorry everyone, I was...

    feeding my dogs and I didn't get the opportunity to respond to the hate thread! :cry: :D
  10. krs2snow

    My job from home...

  11. krs2snow

    Seeing someone you know

    Does anybody else- when you see someone you know, like at a store or something- hightail it outta there?! I saw this guy I know today at the store and my first reaction was to make a B-line for the exit! I decided I'd go back to the store later! And he's a friend. I haven't seen him for a while...
  12. krs2snow

    Aaaww Crap!

    So, I'm sitting at work today and this woman who's desk is right by me is on the phone with some random customer. She has like a 15 minute long conversation w/this customer, talking about everything under the sun. When she hangs up she starts laughing. So I ask "What's so funny?" And she says...
  13. krs2snow

    Birthday coming up and dreading it!

    My B-day is on V-day and I am absolutely dreading that day! I have been freaking out for the last week thinking about it! At my work we have a Birthday Club in which they buy treats for everyone in my department when it's someones birthday. It's supposed to be a nice thing, you know? But I am...