100% free of o.c.d. For 12 years!


New member
12 years ago, I freed myself through the Grace of God from O.C.D. after being severely afflicted by it for most of my life and an especially intense 5 years. All I did to overcome it was simply the opposite of everything I felt compelled to do. If I wanted things straight, I'd make them crooked. Perfect, then imperfect. Clean, then messy. It was one of the most liberating experiences of my life! I sort of transformed into a circus clown for a bit of time due to how much glee and freedom I felt. Don't let anyone tell you that it is only something that can be coped with but not fully healed. I am 1,000% healed, and you can be to! When you feel a bit of tension due to some obsessive habit not being obeyed, just know that that tension will steadily decrease as you continue to joyfully disobey what you feel needs to be ordered, straightened, etc.. I wish you complete success! I have another friend who also became fully healed due to someone simply telling him in regards to his unseemly habits, "Just stop doing it." It IS as simple as that and, once again, remember that any initial tension due to not performing a certain habit will eventually be replaced by exuberant freedom! Doing the opposite is most certainly the quickest way to taste that freedom as opposed to simply not doing the habit. Enjoy making it through this unusual spiritual initiation!


Well-known member
Maybe this is something i need to try, i am obsessed with neatness, having things straight & perfect, counting my keys on my keyring a few times to make sure i didn't lose any on my way out, making sure my microwave is perfectly straight along the edge of the kitchen countertop, making sure my shoes are all put on the shoe rack nice & neat, my remote controls are always straight aligned on my sofa its a nightmare! i do want to try this what you advise but the mere thought of moving all of my stuff around so its untidy makes me feel anxious! maybe il just move things one item at a time & see how i go but its worth a shot!
I started CBT therapy over a month ago and I have stopped a lot of my compulsions. I'm just starting to get to the point to rearrange things so I am uncomfortable. It feels very weird for periods of time but the anxiety subsides. I'm just starting to challenge myself now. How long does it take for you to get better? I am already feeling better and more free. The freedom is amazing. I don't have to think about every little movement I make.