2nd chance


right, i don't really want to even type this but here goes, I have been properly single now for 6 years, And was very lucky to bump into someone who I had a "little" thing with a few years back.

On that night i thought nothing of if, but then as the week went by i thought why the hell did i knock her back?

We exchanged numbers had a great night chatting, as the weeks have gone by we started chatting more and more. So last week i thought I'd make a decision to ask if she wanted to pick up where we left off all those years back.

Now bearing in mind this is a club and after a few drink etc, But never the less we kissed, which i try not to think to much of in this day and age.
I told her that i was stupid to have stopped speaking to her before and that i really was being honest and wanted to see more of her etc, We said that theres not rush etc.
I went back to hers that night, nothing happened but we had a great night and have so much in common. For the first time in ages i have met some one that is great
I have met up with her twice sense then, and we have some for of contact most days.
The thing is that I don't wanna mess this up, I don't wanna jump into bed with her and go in all guns blazing.
I'm not the most confident guy and have issues with certain things, i just don't know how to handle this one.

Most situations like this always go tits up, and i always rush things and get a little obsessed.

How should i go about this? Is asking her on a proper sate to final? would it scare her away? Buying her something is that stupid? Please help me out.


Well-known member
Asking for Advice

Thanks for having the courage to ask this question.

First of all you might want to ask yourself what your motive is for this relationship?

Is it lust - you want sex, and are pretending to offer a relationship ?

Or is it friendship - such as a life time friendship and sex is not your motive?

Or is it loneliness you are trying to fill with just one person ( something I have been guilty of in the past ) ?

When you are clear of your motive....then you might speak of this with this lady.

And wait to hear what she is thinking and feeling on this topic.

Mirroring happens when we let down our guard and discuss our inner feelings. Often another person we share our inner most thoughts with will be open and honest if we make the first move.

Not always though.

That's what makes life a risk. Unpredictable, uncertain, fraught with danger, joy and the unexpected.

If it was the same every day it would be boring.

Take care. Be well.