A much better week :) with an interesting observation


Well-known member
I have no idea why (unless it turns out that I'm bipolar, LOL), but this morning I woke up in an unusually good mood. I felt happy depite my problems. I felt hopeful about the future. I felt slightly confident. I actually slightly socialized with some coworkers before work (while scrunching up my toes HARD as an inivisible counter-irritant to cope with the anxiety ;) ). Now that I think about it some of this mood may be due to the efforts I've made recently in forcing myself to talk to more people, writing to some girls online that I found interesting ;) , and making myself make eye contact with people I pass by, rather then stare at the ground between my shoes.

I've been noticing somthing. I've noticed it before but, like the depth and delusion of my SA etc., I never really let it get through my head (or took it to heart) until extrememly recently. That thing is: MANy if not MOST people don't make eye contact! Or say "hello", even if I say it first! Or notice or acknowledge the existence of others in any way! And no, they're NOT only like that with ME! (which I always assumed...)

Total strangers, persons you know by sight, coworkers-- lots of all of these types of folks do it. I don't know if it's because they're anxious, or don't want to be bothered, or what. But it also isn't that noticeable or odd-seeming. Many of us probably seem more normal to others than we think.

Another cool thing I've learned through this eye-contact experiment-- when you actually look at people (instead of your shoes), it's easier to notice if they're friendly or not. If they've noticed you or not. If they've said "hi" or not. As I was leaving the cafeteria just now a rather pretty girl (who also looks like "my type" LOL) walked in, glanced at me the way one would check for obstacles in their path, and then oh so quickly averted her eyes... and then looked back up directly at me with the vaguest hint of being pleased on her face, right before she vanished around the corner. ;)

OK, OK, so I totally forgot to smile. ;) And I had to get right back to my desk. But still!

I think we believe we are obviously defective because we feel that way-- then act that way. As uncomfortable as it is (I still have to be alone to recharge!! I'll never get over that though), ignoring the feelings and just doing, not thinking, seems to result in others not noticing your oddness... and just noticing *you*. I know you've heard this before, and so have I, but now it's like I really know it, and have started to take it to heart... the fear becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy-- avoid life cuz it sucks, life sucks when it's being avoided, so avoid it... the vicious cycle.

I know I go on too long, sorry... but I'm gonna ride the happy wave for as long as I can!! :) Recall that I wanted to jump off a bridge *just last week*. But now just fully realizing that "I have disorder(s)" rather than "I'm just a useless freak" has been a big boost. I can't change who I am; I can do something about a disorder.


Well-known member
I am happy for you J.

What you say may very well be true. I also noticed that people tend to not look at others directly. It seems that most people do not want to be bothered with.

I do not wish to bother anyone, I just want to enjoy being around others without feeling like I am being dissected, without caring of how others see me. The truth is that even what we call normal people, are worried about their own problems most of the time. Most people do not care or think of us much. Even the so called perfect and beautiful people are always worried about themselves. They spend so much time and money in looking right, feeling right, etc.., for what other reason? They worry about how others see them. And the people looking at them are worried about themselves, because they are not as beautiful, or whatever else. It is just a nasty cycle. So when it comes down to the bottom line. There is no reason why we need to keep feeling this way, but it is easier said than done.


Well-known member
Bombcat!! How are you doing? You never emailed me the other day; I was hoping you got through your bad night OK.

Yeah, today is an unusually good day. :) And I'm working today (which usually means it's not such a great day LOL)

I'm hoping that, however temporary this may be, it's because I've been working on being positive. It's a big thing for someone like me, whose identity has always been wrapped up in negativity, cynicism, pessimism, and lonliness.

Tomorrow I may be back in my usual state of being, but I'm gonna enjoy the gift of a good day today as much as I can. It's been a long time coming. 8)

May we all have a day like this. Or a life like this!! If I had felt this way when i was younger, wow, how different things would have been....


Well-known member
MarCPatt said:
I am happy for you J. ... I do not wish to bother anyone, I just want to enjoy being around others without feeling like I am being dissected, without caring of how others see me... It is just a nasty cycle. So when it comes down to the bottom line. There is no reason why we need to keep feeling this way, but it is easier said than done.

Thank you, MarC!

For me, at least, not wanting to bother folks is part of my issue... I devalue myself to the point that I'm sure asking anyone for anything is a waste of their time....

I totally still care overly much about how others see me. I've just come to recognize better when I'm overdoing it SA style, so I can force myself to work past it and try to ignore my incessant internal monitoring and self-consciousness, and try to be more involved in the moment (instead of being two feet away from someone, yet a billion miles away in my head, detached from it all). It's not easy! It's damn hard!! I don't mean to sound like I'm minimizing anything. I'll never be free of the anxiety I'm sure, but I can work to recognize when it's "real" and when it's SA screwing with me.

It's been easier today, by stroke of luck. So I'll run with it and see what I can get away with ;) I'll pretend that I am the person I always thought I could be or wanted to be. And as the worst case scenario keeps failing to occur, maybe I'll make some real headway here.

I'll never be gregarious... though I would love to be more personable and have more friends and meet my future wife and get on with the life I've been ignoring and otherwise fading into the background of for 31 years.

Maybe it's just that my stronger-as-I-age desire for a "real" life and the pain of being the way I am is outweighing my lifelong fear and inertia... I may utterly fail in the end (heck, I may be back in hell tomorrow, LOL, knowing me!), but "hope" is back in my vocabulary today. I hope it can be for all of you, too, MarC, Bombcat, Solo1, Tris, Orlando, Symbiosis, all the Guests, and everyone else!!!!

(Is it SA to feel guilty about sounding positive for a change? LOL I've NEVER been positive!! This is all so strange.)


Well-known member

I was not trying to make you feel bad or to say that you are wrong in any way. I just wanted to tell you that I am happy for you and that I agree with what you are saying about our irrational fears due to SA.


Well-known member

Hang 10 on the Happy Wave! :D You sound radical to the max, dude! This website will be behind you on good days and bad! Cowabunga, dude! :D