About me and my Agorophobia


Hi ive been suffering from agorophobia and extreme anxiety for almost 4 years now. And i'm getting very weary of it all. The symptoms started when i finished secondary school and had to start college. Having to get the bus to college i felt really anxious, shaking, nausia, i remember the first day when i walked into college and i felt trapped and felt as though everyone was looking at me, i remember my heart beating faster and i felt really sick and i was physically sick in the toillett. Then physically sick outside where everyone was hanging around waiting for lessons to start. I got a cab home and remember the taxi driver being quite angry with me.

Going into college was really hard, i used to phone up saying i was ill, because i couldn't face walking down to the bus stop and getting on the bus, and being at college where loads of people would be.

Ive been physically sick on a lot of occasions due to anxiety of going out etc. If i have to go to an appointment or anything to do out of my own home, i get serious nausia and acid reflux, gagging reactions, shakes, heart beating faster etc. I also find it very hard to eat when these symptoms are occuring and as a result i have lost a stone and a half in weight in the past yr.

My anxiety has been getting worse in the past year ive become housebound. i havent been out with friends since 2006. I can just about manage going outside with my parents but thats rare.


New member
That is how I felt after I had my breakdown. I was confined to the house, and when I did leave, I was so shook up that when i would run into anyone I knew it would cause me to become so upset that I almost would puke and then I would cry uncontrollably.

All I could do was get groceries. It was a nightmare. The doctor limited me to that, and it was good yet bad. When I would pick my children up at day care I couldn't even converse with the daycare providers. Just had no social skills.

Today- I still have no social skills. i avoid talking to the other moms at the school house. It is embarrassing.
