Achilles and the Tortoise


Well-known member
Because of SA, I've certainly went through some rough times and hit some walls in my life and because of that, I am now lagging behind people I knew and pretty much everyone my own age. I used to beat myself up over this. I thought that because I hadn't progressed like everyone else, I was a loser, a low-life, a worthless person who failed in life. I'm sure there are other people here who feel or once felt the same way. However, we couldn't be more wrong. Life is not like this. No one said that life was supposed to be a certain way. I realized that when I discovered one of Zeno's paradoxes: Achilles and the Tortoise. Some of you may have already heard about it, but for those who haven't, look at this video:

YouTube - The Tale Of - Zenos Paradox

This makes no sense, right? Well for some reason, society has been telling us since we were kids that life is this way! We are Achilles and the others, the "normal" people are the Tortoise. According to the paradox and society, we will never be able to catch up to the others. For the rest of our lives, we'll be lagging behind, always be inferior and less successful than others. It is obvious though that life is not like this. Even a 10-year-old kid would see that the Achilles and the Tortoise story makes no sense.

My word to you is one day we will all overcome our SA and we'll come out stronger because of what we've experienced. On that day, we'll run like Achilles and pass the Tortoise. It's not because our lives are like this right now that in the long run we won't be the happiest and most successful. Life always finds its balance. Believe in yourself.