Alien -- Fear


Well-known member
I read a book about aliens about 6 years ago, and ever since, I have had this persistent fear that other people will think I am an alien. I just get this terrible cotton-mouth when I am around people -- I shake, and I blush, and I am just so afraid that they will hate me for being an alien.

I have been in therapy for the past 3 years, and I am on a high dosage of Paxil, but it doesn't seem to be helping. I am even starting to fear my therapist -- that he thinks I am an alien and hates me -- and he is the only person I see outside of my house.

I am usually good most days -- I stay in the house and do a small at-home business from an office in the house. But some days I am so depressed and debilitated that I can hardly get out of the bed at all. I just lie there as my brain spins -- I ruminate about being perceived as an alien. Sometimes I get SO depressed and think about just ending it all (but my mother would be so hurt by that). As you can see, I am really desperate and I can't believe what has happened to me.

So, I just wanted to ask advice from all of you. What should I do to get better? Do any of you have a persistent fear of being perceived as a space alien? Have you ever encountered a person and wondered if they were an alien? How would you feel if someone perceived you as a space alien? Do you think they would hate you?

My therapist says that this fear was constructed in my mind, and that I can, with effort, deconstruct the fear. So, it would be helpful to get your input.


Well-known member
#1 - I'm sure aliens don't blush
#2 - If these people are anything like me and had just seen an alien, they'd run a mile and you would stuck in area 51 right now :)

Have you told your therapist your fears?


Well-known member
Hi George. For me, I hate it when people think I’m something I’m not. Being misunderstood or misinterpreted are real pains in my life. For me, I get scared that security guards will interpret my anxiety for guilt and think I’m a criminal, or even worse, I don’t like getting too close to young kids, in case somebody thinks I’m a paedophile. In fact there’s a whole thread where many others feel the same…here:

But, I think the best advice I can give is that the truth is on your side. You know who you are better than anyone in the world, so I’d say just try to take confidence from that and ignore what other people think. (easier said than done, I know!!!)
I used to be an alien, but then I took the citizenship test. My opinion would be that walking / exercise is better than paxil.


Well-known member
I just keep mulling over in my mind -- brooding, really -- the possibility that someone might think that I am a space alien -- like Alf, or Mork from Mork and Mindy. I know how much aliens are stigmatized in so-called "compassionate" culture, and I think that it would just kill me if someone looked at me and thought I was an alien. I do a lot of things to protect myself from this negative judgment -- I try to subtly remind people in conversations that I am a human -- referring, for example, to the fact that I don't have a ray gun in my pocket. I also will NEVER bring up in conversation the fact that I have seen movies about aliens, and that my cousin was actually an alien.

I feel like I can never be myself around others, because I would unwittingly cause a dreadful amount of embarrassment by earning the label "alien" or "martian." My whole world would begin to crumble around me if the word got out that I was an alien. I would just die of embarrassment. It's sad really.

So, I am taking 80 mg of Paxil, so much Paxil that I have completely lost my erection. I lie in bed brooding at night, and have to turn on the radio to drum out the obsessive thoughts from my head. I wear sunglasses when I walk out so they won't see my eyes. I have suicidal ideation. But I know that God is going to pull me through this, and I keep telling myself that this is a SOCIAL issue and not a MORAL or ASTRONOMICAL issue.

Life sucks! Everybody hates aliens even though no alien has ever harmed a person. Humans have done much worse to fellow humans than an alien ever has (or would). I cannot BELIEVE how much hatred people have for aliens and anybody who could be mistaken for one. I think I am going to write a book about how mistreated and misunderstood aliens are in this culture. But I'm afraid to write such a book, because I'm sure that people would just start drawing the conclusion that the author was an alien. Maybe I should write it under a pseudonym.

Does anybody have any advice for me?


Well-known member
Anonymous said:
we're in a compassionate culture- what planet are you from? :lol:

You naughty earth specimens! You don't know how insecure and defensive your little "joke" makes me. This insignificant planetoid has been found guilty of crimes against the universe. You have made me very angry - very angry indeed! Brace yourself for immediate disintegration. The earth? Oh, the earth will be gone in just a few seconds.


Well-known member

Hi George, sorry to hear of your difficult times.
I'm probarly not much help on the subject you mentioned.
Trying to not worry what people think of me..this is a difficult problem. Im sure if in theory you asked people if they thought you were an alien, they would not be even thinking it...though i now your worried about it though.
As you will have seen in other subjects on this site, others talking about being percieved of something they are not. I feel i look suspicous in public, they think i will steal i look creepy around other people's kids etc etc. It's very difficult not to worry about other people's perceptions.I hope you can sort it all out mate, and i guess your counsellor is a good start.

*What kind of work do you do from home George?.I have been trying to find something to do from home, but having difficultly in finding anything above board. It would be great if you had any ideas...thanks.