Allergies and hyperhidrosis


Well-known member
I'm curious to test a hypothesis of mine. How many of you suffer from some type of allergies (to pollen, cat dander, mold, etc.) and how many of you do not? I'm curious whether there is some correlation, since both conditions involve significantly higher levels of oxidative stress. For allergies, oxidative
stress seems to be a necessary but not sufficient condition. Of course,
correlation does not mean causality. Though I know with hyperhidrosis (and I know several dozen) all have allergies, this isn't a very large sample, and so many persons suffer from allergies anyway. Let me know your thoughts here.



Well-known member
I'm curious to test a hypothesis of mine. How many of you suffer from some type of allergies (to pollen, cat dander, mold, etc.) and how many of you do not? I'm curious whether there is some correlation, since both conditions involve significantly higher levels of oxidative stress. For allergies, oxidative
stress seems to be a necessary but not sufficient condition. Of course,
correlation does not mean causality. Though I know with hyperhidrosis (and I know several dozen) all have allergies, this isn't a very large sample, and so many persons suffer from allergies anyway. Let me know your thoughts here.



grass pollen, tree pollen, cats, dust mites...also mild but present food allergy to eggs. I get injections for the dust mites and I finally caved and now take xyzal (antihistamine) to not have bouts of sneezing, sniffing, itching and eye watering every day.


Well-known member
I think I have hyperhidrosis because I sweat easily, but I don't think I have any allergies. I get large sweat stains on my shirts and it's embarassing.


Active member
I also have allergies. Every day my nose is itchy. I sneeze a lot. Even in winter. I am also intolerant to tomatoes, eggs and apparently sugar and MSG.


Well-known member
I have no allergies whatsoever. Add to that, that all my relatives got over 80 years old, and you see here a prime example of the pinnacle of evolution. :)


New member
I'm allergic to cats, pollen, grass, pine trees, dust, mould, etc. and I also have some kind of chemical sensitivity, so I'm allergic to sunscreen, contact lens solution, some detergents, and some hair dyes, and occasionally something unidentified. Also a random antibiotic allergy. No food allergies though!