Always been the 'sad sack'


Well-known member
Ever since my teenage years I have suffered on and off from depression, as a result I have a reputation for being a sad and negative person. My nickname was eeeyore, the donkey from Winnie the Pooh who is always sad. It makes me feel bad, I even had my 12yo cousin tell me the other week that "I always look on the bad side of things". Even though its true, people pointing out to me that I am sad makes me feel worse. I wish that I could be happy, right now I just feel suicidal. I know everybody is sick of my problems, they tell me that on a regular basis. Sorry about these depressing posts, right now I just really need to get this out because I feel really terrible.


Well-known member
I totaly know how you feel,im sick and tired of people pointing out how sad and unhappy i am i mean come on for gods sake dont they think i know this?!? depression isnt something i can switch on and off altho the way they go on about it you would think it so.


Well-known member
Hey 4myself -- I know how annoying it is when people tell you that you're "negative" or "depressing" especially if you're making an effort to at least try to have a positive attitude. I think it's kind of a thing that stupid people say just for the sake of saying something.

Sadly there is no real way to get them to stop doing that... it does get very annoying, quickly.


Well-known member
Apparently I look sad even when I feel fine and it's annoying when a bartender or waitress says "why don't you smile, it doesn't cost anything" or "don't you ever smile?" or "you look like you lost your last friend". I guess they all mean well but it only reminds me that I don't have a cheery look for some reason and I can't manufacture one, :( ...... :) , except here.


Well-known member
ye me too. my normal look is very aggresive angry 'stay away from me' look even when iam not trying to be. i cant make myself to smile all the time too cos it takes too much energy.


Well-known member
yep, its the same with me, I seem to forget to smile becasue I am so caught up in my own world, it is very disturbing when kids comment on it. I don't really understand why people cant just accept that some people are sad, its not like its a crime or something. Thats if HRH Redlady hasn't decreed it to be a crime, oh no I had better make sure Boundless doesn't come after me :wink:


Well-known member
Remember that everyone is different. What kind of a world would it be if everyone shared the same interests and had the same personalities.
Im not saying you should romanticise SA but its important to remember that lots of emotions happen for a reason.
People who come across as Strong in the positive and quirky area may have been brought up in that kind of environment.
Thats not to say that people cant change their mentallity in dealing with personal issues.
I had an awful time at High School and my Dad used to have a bad temper which made family life hell. All of those occurrences have affected me in terms of confidence in a social environment.
Music and Sports definately help me through the days.
Even people with all the friends in the world can feel lonely so its just a matter of us all becoming comfortable with our inner person.
That last part sounded like it came from a Doctor? :?
ahhh i hate this too, anywhere i go with my family on a social outing i try my hardest to come across happy and cheery and to me it feels like i had a smile on my face the whole time.. yet when i get home my mum comments on it and goes.. "why do you look so sour, angry and aggressive the whole time we were out" ...i'm like wtf? i had no idea as i was trying so hard to look happy, and i thought i was pulling it off ok, but in reality i was frowning. i analised this and figured out its becasue i'm concentrating too much on what to say and how i will come across etc...and when thinking like that its very hard to just smile and relax your face muscles. this is so hard to master as you can't even put on a fake happy face if you want to, well not consistantly anyway. you just can't keep it up for long if your not truly relaxed and comfortable with yourself it sux but what can you do. good day