Am I A Recluse ?


Well-known member
hi all, i've read all the posts here & its kinda like me but a little different...

Before I had confidence, not alot, but I was doing ok. Going out every night & just enjoying life I suppose, worked a few nights a week & just smoked a few joints everynight & hanging out with my friends - Just liek normal people do.

I passed my driving test & crashed my car about 2 weeks after - I broke my foot & was in plaster.
I stayed in most of the time when I broke my foot, I did go out a few times in my friends car, but it was mostly raining all the time so I didnt get out much - I would just stay in just drinking, smoking & playing on the computer & watching tv.

Anyways that went on for about 6-7 weeks & I finally had my plaster off.
By this time I couldnt really be bothered to go out at all. I finally give up the joints & just drank instead. 6 months now & I still havent gone out much. I have a huge phobia of going out & meeting people again.
I have just cut myself off from reality. I just stay in day & night,
I dont know what to do, part of me says go out & be normal & the other just puts barriers up in my head - like why is everyone looking at me? ... is it the spots on my face, or is it the shape of me? - If I knew what everyone was looking at maybe I could accept it & carry on living a normal life. I dont want help by counciling, I would just like to help myself & some good advice. If anyone with the same problem would be able to help It would be greatly appreciated. Though what is this disease called?


Well-known member
No I haven't been to the doctors, but do you think I should or try & help myself somehow :?:


Well-known member
Just the thought of seeing people & people seeing me makes me feel very uncomfortable. I even get nervous around my own family now. I just dont know what to do & I just cant see myself getting out of this.


Active member
Hi there,

Perhaps you are feeling a bit down after your injury and this latent side of yourself has manifested??

I don't think there are many true recluses - they are happy to be by themselves almost all the time, for their whole lives.... I used to think I preferred being alone to having company, but it is a deception!! SP makes company and social stuff really uncomfortable....most people will avoid ANYTHING that makes them uncomfortable. Doesn't mean we want to be alone like a recluse, just that the alternative is too hard....sort of a lose/lose situation, which is why depression is so common for us - deep down we desperately want to be social and all that goes with it, but only feel comfortable when we are alone ARRRHHH!!


Well-known member
What do you think I should do? .... I want to get back into my other life, but know it is going to be really hard now. I keep thinking negative thoughts about everything. When I am out I cant bear the thought of people looking at me & what they are thinking. I know this is not right & I heard a saying which what pretty good... "To all the people that talk about me, thank you for making me centre of your world". <<< I like that saying & I wish I could think like that, but I cant.


Well-known member
Boy do we have a lot in common......

Same situation that I am in. I have been mostly at home for about a year for different reasons and now have too many phobias and negative thoughts that I can't brace myself to leave my safe nest. I feel so depressed because I just feel I will be criticized and judged or whatnot by others... and I have been in my past, which is why it makes it all the more real. I need help, but I'm afraid to get it. Will be judged by a psych or anyone there...