am i the only genuine article

Im sorry if its gonna offend some readers, but somethings have been irritating me lately. ppl complain about how much their lives suck and how lonely they are, and then they go……oh and my girlfriend/boyfriend this and that, friends teasing me of how I dance……….contradicts the whole purpose of their post

They have a gf/bf, they got something their not alone like me.They have got somebody to back them up and make them feel better after a bad day

They complain about life but at least they have a job or go to college and have a life outside of the house. They then say how awesome their past life is, at least they know what it felt like to live a good life. My life is just as lonely, empty and miserable and shit since day 1.

Then they start boasting about their personality, and they keep going on a and on about their looks and how pretty they are. I am ugly and am obese still though i have lost alot of kgs, but when deprssion strikes I feel like just giving up.

sometimes I feel I absolutely have no one and have to face bigger struggles of everyday life by myself bigger than most. I feel so alone with not just one issue but so many issues I'm going through.

Its not like Im not doing anything with my problems either, I dont just sit down and start feeling sorry for myself all the time. I am trying my best to work out and be the person that I want to be. But i feel that the person that I want to turn out to be, wont be me for a very very long time and that means I will continue to suffer and be lonely for a very very long time.

Im sorry for being selfish and being sorry for myself. I can't help it anymore Im sick of its just always me only had to happen to me all the f***** time. Im sick of the fact that so many ppls lives are so easy they can do anything and have anything they want.


ewww get over it, no ones lives are easy and no one gets everything they want when they want it, they work hard to get what they want.
My life isnt easy and i dont have everything i want and i havent got social phoba!! so i havent got an excuse to why that is. it just is.
get over your self.


Well-known member
This morning I thought about the same thing as OP, even before this thread was created. It seems like half of the people here have/had a bf/gf and some are even married! How's that possible with SA is beyond me. :roll:


Well-known member
Great..its people with SA complaining about how other people with SA dont have it as bad as them again :( .. Think this topic has been run through the mill a few times already here. Obviously different people suffer with different degrees of it... some have more or less severe SA then others...maybe some didnt develop SA when they were younger...this would explain how they ended up married or had a boyfriend or girlfriend at one time...obviously it must have gotten worse for them at some point or they wouldnt be here seeking support...besides girls do have it easier as far as attracting a guy in my opinion..SA or its understandable to me that they might be married & have SA....& I also think its very possible that some people can go through stages of SA where they might have managed it better in one part of thier life then they are now & thats how they ended up with a boyfriend or girlfriend or marrige partner...having any of those situations dosent get rid of SA.


ewww get over it, no ones lives are easy and no one gets everything they want when they want it, they work hard to get what they want.
My life isnt easy and i dont have everything i want and i havent got social phoba!! so i havent got an excuse to why that is. it just is.
get over your self.

If you haven't got social phobia then why are you even on this website? If you don't have an anxiety disorder then you are in no place to tell people to get over it. You have no idea how hard it can be for some people

To give you an idea of how difficult it is, let me share my story with you. I have panic disorder with agoraphobia, meaning I have frequent panic attacks and I've resorted to just avoiding social situations whenever it's possible. It's considered to be a disability, as it's not something I can just use will power to get over. My body simply has a problem regulating adrenaline, so I often react with a "fight-or-flight" response to simple things like every day social situations.

There is a reason people with panic disorder are 18 times more likely than the general population to commit suicide. That reason has to do with the fact that some people with the condition just aren't able to cope with the fact that they'll never develop socially to the same extent as "normal" people. I've struggled with this myself, but I've resulted in accepting this life because as far as I know, it's the only one I'm going to have. I can't control how other people feel about my condition, but I damn sure wish they wouldn't assume that it isn't difficult just because "it could be worse." That's like saying getting thrown off the roof of a 5 story building isn't so bad, because the building could have been 10 stories tall. In reality, either one would be horrible.


You are majorly complainin'. Maybe I'm complaining about your complaining about complaining, but don't act like you are the person who with the worst of it all. Uhhm I don't have any friends, don't have anyone to talk to, or any of that stuff,but that doesn't mean I have to live by my problem. Just because some people have it better than you doesn't mean their life is all sunshines, and lollipops, what do you see people worse off than you as?

Don't go out thinking you're the "only one". Uhmm NO! That's totally selfish. You don't know everything to compare to. It may not feel it, but there are some things you're in control of, not everything is set forever for what it is now. All I have is myself, and I honestly hates myself so much and that's a serious problem, but I don't want to dwell on it forever. It's just a constant reminder of how much we think we're horrible people, and it's a way to just stay as the victim all of the time. Maybe find other things to define you, you don't have to have people to do it all for you, people suck. The only time you can fix anything is when you are not living in a constant reminder of everything that's wrong, and how worse off you are than everyone else. But like seriously, how other people live their lives is NOT going to do anything to you whatsoever, except for make you jealous. Don't obsess about it so much.


Well-known member
I guess i agree with part of what your saying
in the sence that its a little insulting to hear people say how much there life sucks and how lonely they are but in further conversation they talk about having jobs, partners and family.
I dont care if I'm self pitying. The fact that I tried so damn fucking hard but fail all the fucking time, lonely even though I fucking tried to be nice to people and because I have no self esteem cause I always am bitter that I am so different from everybody else and thinks that everyone is better than me hopefully gives ppl a msg that I dont give a fliying fucking damn if your attractive, model looking, or succesful or have heaps of friends and gfs.

Im sorry but showoffs dont have a place here

Surely theres dating forums elsewhere where you can discuss your nice attributes.

Looks like another lonely weekend for me, Im gonna be hanging around in the cinemas again by myself, while you lovely couples enjoy that popcorn.
Weirdo said:
This morning I thought about the same thing as OP, even before this thread was created. It seems like half of the people here have/had a bf/gf and some are even married! How's that possible with SA is beyond me. :roll:

strange how some of the agoraphobics like me get to find a gf and have many friends. Do they suddenly just drop down our roof while we just sit at home and watch dvd's for days or months?
JonnyD said:
The fact that I am gonna be a failure, lonely and because I have no self esteem because I always am bitter that I am so odd

just because you want...

not even once in a million life times do I want to be in the situation that I am now. You think I enjoy this?
Ick. People like you make me very very angry indeed.
How do you know that your life is worse than other people's? You have never been in their shoes. You have no idea what other people go through every single day. You say you're doing things to try to get better, like trying to lose weight. What else are you doing? Because I'm getting therapy, doing CBT, reading books on how to develop self esteem, doing workbooks on recovering from SA and panic and agoraphobia, reading books on fear, saying affirmations to myself day in and day out, doing exposure every day, repeating coping statements, doing deep muscle relaxation, doing meditation, doing confidence exercises, following a very strict eating regime, exercising. And it's fuckin hard! Basically all day every day I am trying to recover, I am working my ass off, and also, and here's the kicker, I'm not complaining about how shit my life is and I am DEFINITELY NOT putting down other people, because that would have to require me knowing what other people are experiencing.

Oh, and also, have a fun weekend at the cinema. I haven't been able to go to a cinema for over two years. Not even to the entrance.
But you're right, you're life is so super terrible, no-one understands how awful it is for you and you alone!
Pink_Glitter said:
Well said Kayelle, you took the words right out of my mouth!

i just read that back and it sounded kind of patronising, sorry...what i mean is i agree with what you said, i'm no good at writing what i i'm glad you said if for me hehe

I understand ya! :D
dude im going to the cinemas because I have to try and force myself out of the house or else Im not gonna get better. As you said you do things to get better this is what Im doing, doing things like planning my daily activities like going for a walk on monday, maybe buy some groceries on tuesday just things that I need to do to get a bit better.

and do you even know what it feels like to be a loner to be the only one by yourself in a crowded cinema???? or a packed football stadium with all their family and friends having a good time and your the only one alone while you look around to see if there is anyone just like you at the ground instead of paying attention to the game. It might sound fun, its torture for me to be alone when Im out, but I have no choice this is the only way Im gonna get better

Ive done most of these things by myself. And it fucking sucks and it hurts but I have no choice I have no friends
LonelyLoser said:
and do you even know what it feels like to be a loner to be the only one by yourself in a crowded cinema???? or a packed football stadium with all their family and friends having a good time and your the only one alone while you look around to see if there is anyone just like you at the ground instead of paying attention to the game.

Yes I DO know what it's like. Look, I'm not trying to say that your life isn't hard and that it doesn't suck. I'm giving out about the fact that you're putting down other people. That you're insisting you have it worse than everyone else. That other people don't really have SA, and that they don't understand how much your life sucks compared to theirs.
These people are on this forum because they have SA. If you think you have it worse than other people, then you're wrong.
I'm not trying to insult you or anything, it's just that you don't have it worse than everyone else. And that's awesome that you're getting out there and recovering, I wish you the best of luck and I genuinely hope you recover, because you deserve it. We all do!
Why does everyone thinks im putting them down for?? All that Im trying to say is that I feel so bloody worthless and I feel that most people are better than me and by the sound of it their lives would be more fulfilling than mine. They would have done a million more things in their life than me.

I feel different cause I get no respect while everybody does.I know this because I get treated differently, even though I do most of the talking there is still this awkward silence because ppl whom I try to talk to are so indiferent towards me like I dont even exist so they kinda like ignore me all the time.

This doenst happen for every body else when Im out. All I see is their all excited to see their friends and they get respected even though none of them deserve it.
Well, I'm sorry, I've misunderstood you then. But some of the things you were saying sounded very much like you thought you had it worse than everyone else who have SA. Things like complaining about other people having gfs/bfs or working or going to college or the fact that other people are pretty or had a life before they got social phobia, and saying that they have it better than you.
I just got the impression that you thought it was worse for you than for other people with SA.
Especially since the title of this thread is 'i am the only genuine article'. That DEFINITELY does not give off a good impression.

But if that's not what you meant, then sorry! :D What was it you wanted to say?