Any self help tips?


Active member
I have just discovered I have social phobia. I knew something was wrong just never had a label for it. I only joined this site yesterday hoping to talk to people who understand the condition. Would anyone have any tips that can help Social Anxiety sufferers lead a better life. I am really into self help and I have already spent most of my 31 years being debilitated by this condition and do not want to spend another year doing the same thing.


I have just discovered I have social phobia. I knew something was wrong just never had a label for it. I only joined this site yesterday hoping to talk to people who understand the condition. Would anyone have any tips that can help Social Anxiety sufferers lead a better life. I am really into self help and I have already spent most of my 31 years being debilitated by this condition and do not want to spend another year doing the same thing.

Hi welcome to the site.
My level of Leibowitz is 65...mild really. My main problem is talking to a group eg. formal presentation and asserting myself in everyday life. I tend to be a people pleaser too.
My advice would be basically......."face your fears" but do it in your own time....gradually.....become aware of when you are letting yourself down eg. "letting someone push you around" or letting your anxiety overwhelm you. In fact I think a diary is a good idea. To monitor each social event. Only spend time reflecting when you are writing in your journal. Make a conscious decision to only ruminate then. Spend the rest of your freetime pursueing hobbies which bring you joy and exhilaration. Also note when you are experiencing anticipatory anxiety. Try to describe in detail how you feel. Don't repress that anxiety. Just be aware of it.
Good luck.


Well-known member
From my experience, it is best to start with self-knowledge. Be honest with yourself without any reservations. Who are you, really? What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Include everything in the picture. But be objective. Don't do self-pity along the way. What are your talents, hobbies, dreams, goals? What is your definition of success? Take no thought about other people, even your family. Do not consider what they want in answering the questions. The answers have to be yours, from deep inside you. Know yourself more each day.

Once you've built a strong sense of self-identity, you can be more assertive. Less and less people can intimidate you for you know what you want. You don't need to depend on other people's standards because you have your own. Know your ground and stand there. That is the most stable place you can find. Cultivate a healthy feeling of self-respect. Acknowledge your choices, your preferences, your personality, your decisions, everything about yourself. Be comfortable with the way you walk, the way you talk, the way you laugh, etc. Know that there is nothing wrong about them.

If you have the resources, ask for professional help. They always know what to do. If not, improvise. You know yourself. You know what you need. In my case, hypnosis tapes and positive affirmations help a lot.

Welcome to the forum btw... :)


Well-known member
Embrace this part of yourself, instead of trying to "cure" or "get rid" of it.


Connect with the present moment (the "here and now") as much and as often as possible, instead of letting your mind live in the past and the future.

My two cents :)


Active member
Thanks for all your tips. I am reading a book at the moment about social anxiety and shyness just to learn as much as possible and what the triggers are. Glad I found this forum and joined it:cool: