Anyone easily dismiss approval?


Well-known member
If anytime a person complements me I just dismiss it or forget it fast? When someone disapprove and say something negative I take it as a total fact. Your own thought isn’t like your thought, but instead what other perceives of you or thinks of you.


Well-known member
If anyone says anything good about me I don't believe it, I think they're just being nice, or trying to make me feel better about something. When someone says something negative I definately take it to heart. I think so poorly about myself, so any negative comments about me just justifies that belief.


New member
positive things

When someone say something positive to me i feel take it as pity and feel worse...
or when sometimes i feel someone really means it...then i feel over burdened by how to maintain positive attitude coz someone expect that from me......


Well-known member
Ugh, me too. At least, with my parents. They complain that I never hear the good things. There are some things that people say that I treasure, but the things that hurt seem so much bigger.