anyone hit themself when having panic attacks ?


New member
Anyone here hit themselves while taking an panic/ anxiety attack ?
I do this started with me just tapping my head and has gone into hitting it really hard ...i try and keep my hands busy but it dont help dr knows about it i also self injure and my dr says its just another part of my self injury that seems to be triggered by being anxious and panicky

My husband ends up holding my hands to stop me from doing it and that seems to work for a little while but i end up hitting myself again after a while the more panicked i get the worse the hitting gets


Well-known member
I wish that I could commiserate. I've hit myself out of severe frustration, but I've never experienced a full blown panic attack. You're very lucky to have someone who will stand by you during your panic attacks. Your husband is a remarkable person to hold your hands and this shows that you must be a remarkable person yourself.


Well-known member
I'm glad to hear that your husband does his best to help you. Like Sinar said, you are very lucky. I hope your doctor will be able to help you with this problem. It sounds like it's really bothering you. :(

As for me...I don't think I've ever hit myself while panicking. I'm sure I've done it out of frustration, again, like Sinar mentioned. I'm actually too scared to physically harm myself. Sometimes I wish I could, though. I just can't seem to bring myself to do it.


Well-known member
I dont hit myself...only on those rare occassions when i missed out on something good due to my anxiety. But when i get a paic attack, my body becomes extremely stiff and i tend to make up a very tight fist...and if at that moment somebody were to mess with me, it would not be good for them.