anyone in Galway ,Ireland??


New member
hi all:) i have returned to this forum after nearly two years. first time i was here was just curious as to whether i was developing SAD. Had slight anxiety at times in certain social situations(meetings at work,meeting new people etc). at that time had just broke up with a boyfriend and i attributed these feelings to my broken heart. But as with broken hearts they eventually heal and i moved on wit my life and gained back my confidence:)
Unfortunately last october i found feelings of anxiety started to return to certain situations in work. I was at a very content and happy time in my life therefore was extremely baffled as to why such feelings would return:( immediately i made an appointment with a counsellor whom i have been seeing on a regular basis since. i find the counselling great as i have not told anyone in my personal life about my social anxiety. it is great to talk things through and get a clear perspective as to why i react the way i do in certain situations. that being said my social anxiety seems to be getting worse:(((( i was in a supermarket recently and saw a girl i went to school with 12 years ago....she was a girl i got on super wit in school. i could feel the anxiety rising in the pit of my stomach so i avoided her!!!!!! why???? it just doesnt make any sense. i hadnt seen her in years and would have loved to have had a chat wit her. Its just crazy!!!
anyway i'll stop goin on about it now or i'll never finish this message! i'm just wondering is there anyone in Galway ireland on this forum or does anyone know about meet ups in Galway. would love to chat to others who face the same challenges as me:)
thanx guys :)