anyone know a way to lose weight?


Well-known member
does anyone know any way to lose weight around stomach, calf muscle, thigh arm fat just anywhere. anyone?


Well-known member
First of all, you can't lose fat in specific places on the body. Forget that.
Secondly, don't focus on losing weight, but on losing fat!

The obvious ways:
- Not eating more than your body needs. But eating far too little will be counter-productive in the long run, as your body will compensate by slowing down metabolism, which means that when you start eating too much again, you'll gain more fat than ever! Plus, you will also have lost muscle tissue, and you don't want that.
- Eat more healthy food, especially non-processed foods that will force the body to do some work in order to break it down. That means brown rice, not french fries from McDonalds, for instance. Rule of thumb: The less processed the better. + Eat healthy fats like omega 3.
- Exercise! Contrary to popular belief, weight training is a very good way to lose fat. Building muscle will accelerate metabolism which means that you can eat more without gaining fat. While muscles weigh more than fat, they take less space than fat so you'll look (and will be) slimmer! And don't worry about looking like a body builder, a woman must use steroids for that to happen. A combination of weight training and running/spinning/aerobic/whatever is optimal.

Or perhaps you were looking for an easy way? :wink:


Well-known member
I lost a ton of weight this Summer riding an exercise bike 2 hours a day while listening to mp3s via my PSP. I was a 34 waist and now I'm 31. Also modified my diet. Lean Pockets and Lean Cuisine.


Well-known member
yay said:
does anyone know any way to lose weight around stomach, calf muscle, thigh arm fat just anywhere. anyone?
hi yay..just a few ideas..drinking plenty of water...daily exercise..cutting out fast-food and cakes and sweets, stuff like that...switching to whole grain products...wraps instead of buns and breads.....plenty of fruit and vegetables..not eating past 9 or 10 in the evening..and working out helps tone your body and relieve stress at the same time :wink:


Well-known member
One way I have heard is by using a far infrared sauna. It is supposed to burn up to 600 calories in an hour! 8O And as a benefit improve your overall health by sweating out bad toxins fr. your body. I am planning on getting one after I have my baby to lose my pregnancy wieght. They can be kind of expensive though, the cheapest I have found on the internet was about 300 dollars!
OH and of course exercise and diet as well. No white stuff: bread, potato's, pasta, rice. And they say walking an hour everyday, even if you do nothing else different and eat what you want will still make you lose wieght. Good luck! :)


Well-known member
cLavain said:
The obvious ways:
- Not eating more than your body needs. But eating far too little will be counter-productive in the long run, as your body will compensate by slowing down metabolism, which means that when you start eating too much again, you'll gain more fat than ever! Plus, you will also have lost muscle tissue, and you don't want that.
- Eat more healthy food, especially non-processed foods that will force the body to do some work in order to break it down. That means brown rice, not french fries from McDonalds, for instance. Rule of thumb: The less processed the better. + Eat healthy fats like omega 3.
- Exercise! Contrary to popular belief, weight training is a very good way to lose fat. Building muscle will accelerate metabolism which means that you can eat more without gaining fat. While muscles weigh more than fat, they take less space than fat so you'll look (and will be) slimmer! And don't worry about looking like a body builder, a woman must use steroids for that to happen. A combination of weight training and running/spinning/aerobic/whatever is optimal.

This is exactly what I am doing and its the healthiest bestest way to loose excess fat. And it works, of course, in case you were wondering. :)

Funny how the best technique is the hardest, the one that everyone tries to avoid. :lol:


Well-known member
eat healthier

Eat healthier. EAT smaller portions and only when hungry, not out of loneliness or rejection. Eat salads first.....make a decent sized bowl of baby spinach and tomatoe salad with a simple olive oil, vinnegar salt, garlic and italian spices...not the high fat crap in bottles. When you slowlyyyy eat first your salad, you start to feel full. Then if you are still hungry, eat healthy vegetables, fruit, lean chicken, fish, lean turkey, whole wheat breads. Drink plenty of fresh clean water to digest. Skip the desserts (eat a few raisins or low fat many options) and do a 15-30 minute brisk walk...get your heart pumping. To be honest with you...i'm sure you already heard all the advice in the world...ask yourself...are you just looking for easy answers? YOU can do and have whatever you focus your mind on, good and bad.


Active member
if you dont want to attend a meeting, you can follow the ON-LINE programme
it helped me slim down from 94kgs to 70kgs
and i LOVE my food, trust me


Active member
Yea i was a bit blunt there in my last post im sorry, I was trying to motivate in the same same as i motivated myself with aggressive self talk and it worked well for me. however i should have been more sensitive not all people are like me.

Go to the gym do not rely on fast fixes start slow and plan your results for 6 months to a year or more down the road think, next year ill have my desired body its a gradual process but with sensible eaying and a gym 2 - 3 times a week a year is not that long 2 years is not that long to transform your body. If in 2 years from now your look 5 years younger than present, ten times fitter youll know my point


Well-known member
My brother lost almost 45 lbs this summer by doing three things daily for almost 70 days:

1. Eating half a chicken on lunch.
2. Eating raw vegetables during the day(Tomato, cucumbers, lettuce, etc.)
3. Swimming for 3 hours everyday. (If you can't afford a pool, a bike is always a good alternative)
4. Not having dinner.
5. Drinking a lot of water.

He really changed to a better person. This one takes time but it healthy and better than not eating anything. Good luck.


the advice so far is all good, exercise and watching what you eat is really the only way forward. but there is one thing you can do that can make it a little easier. shelled hemp seeds. they're good for you, taste great, and really fill you up. i currently have a bowl of fresh fruit in the morning, then a small bowl of yoghurt mixed with about 4 heaping tablespoons of the seeds about half an hour later (to let the fruit digest first). this is enough to keep me from being hungry for about 7-8 hours, so i can skip lunch entirely. have a nice healthy dinner, skip the desert, and snack only on raw veggies. do an hour of exercise a few times a week and the pounds should literally be dropping from you.


Well-known member
I got on Nutrisystem. I lost twenty pounds. The food wasn't that great and I was hungry a lot of the time. I went off the program after losing twenty pounds. I still have some weight to lose. Half of me wants to go back on the program and lose weight and the other half of me says that it was so annoying I don't want to do it again. I also have started exercising six days a week. I haven't noticed a difference in my body or my weight. :evil: I really hate exercising. And I LOVE eating. :wink:


Well-known member
dzerklis said:
stop eating?? sorrrry :lol:

well if u stop eating u r going to become anorexic and eventually die.......but if u start eating again before death your metabolism will be so fucked up and will take ALONG time to get back to normal if it ever does......then once u start eating again u will keep store more fat and energy than previously because your body will be preparing for another famine, so you will find it even harder to lose weight.
to stop eating is the stupidist thing you could do to lose healthier and smaller prtions but don't STARVE yourself....listen to your body


Well-known member
spurs said:
dzerklis said:
stop eating?? sorrrry :lol:

well if u stop eating u r going to become anorexic and eventually die.......but if u start eating again before death your metabolism will be so fucked up and will take ALONG time to get back to normal if it ever does......then once u start eating again u will keep store more fat and energy than previously because your body will be preparing for another famine, so you will find it even harder to lose weight.
to stop eating is the stupidist thing you could do to lose healthier and smaller prtions but don't STARVE yourself....listen to your body

whats the best advice for sp'ers? relax, dont be afraid etc. so you get the 'point' of my advice :lol: