Best ways to combat Avert (Robinul) side effects of dry throat and mouth


Active member
I am curious to see what others find as I have found if I take 3 mg of robinul before I eat in the morning it does reduce my sweating. The only side effect I have noticed is my throat and mouth becomes dry and sore. Some might say that is better than HH but I am not so sure. It hurts to swallow and talk with this side effect. It is not horrible but it gets annoying to deal with if I am in a conversation. What is the best way to minimize the side effect? Water helps but only if I am drinking it constantly. Any hard candy or losange that is particularly helpful?


Well-known member
I am curious to see what others find as I have found if I take 3 mg of robinul before I eat in the morning it does reduce my sweating. The only side effect I have noticed is my throat and mouth becomes dry and sore. Some might say that is better than HH but I am not so sure. It hurts to swallow and talk with this side effect. It is not horrible but it gets annoying to deal with if I am in a conversation. What is the best way to minimize the side effect? Water helps but only if I am drinking it constantly. Any hard candy or losange that is particularly helpful?

Don't use a particular candy, but find the fruit ones the best--just seem juicier.

I only get occasional reactions like yours, with a sort of raspy voice too. I'd still rather put up with this than be dripping with sweat.


Well-known member
the thing is that a fruit juice you will have to sip on all the time

whereas a sugar free gum will keep a little moisture in the mouth all the time, even make it possible to "swallow away" when the voice gets raspy. you'll might have to put in new gum every second or third hour or so - but hey, it's good for your teeth :)

and of course it's multiple times better than drip with sweat....


my advice is to always drink water to keep your body hydrated. dont only drink when you feel your mouth dry. and always carry a bottle water with you at all times


Well-known member
Be careful with drinking too much fruit juice...

The dry mouth is already not that good for your teeth, but fruit juice will harm your teeth because of the acidity.

It's good for the body, so you have to drink some of it, but it's best to drink a full glass at once, if you keep sipping you're hurting your teeth (you'll notice firts that the lower end of your teeth will start to shine through). The same goes for soda and most forms of candy. You 'mericans often use teeth whiteners so it may not be apparent with those at first, I don't know...but I would keep an eye on it.

Just drink water and some milk is fine too. Gum is also good, both for your teeth as well as to combat a dry mouth.


Active member
Wierdly enough, my dry mouth stopped after about a week of usage. I just stay well hydrated with cold water. If I take too much Robinul in one day, then I end up with this phlem tickle in my throat that causes me to cough.