Blowing on hands - OCD?


New member
I want to know what is wrong with me. I constantly blow on my wrists. I always do it, at the most random of times. After stopping an activity, before, and during even. If I don't do it, I become . . distressed, anxious, and feel like I'm going to cry. I've had this for years now.. I also cross my legs several times over when I'm sitting sometimes, or flex my ass muscles constantly when sitting. I don't mean, like, occasionally, literally all the time. If I sit down for 6 hours, I do these things for six hours. Hearing about it is a lot different than seeing it in action. When/if someone notices, they almost always comment to me about it..

Please, let me know what on Earth this is.


Well-known member
flex my ass muscles constantly when sitting

is it like an exercise thing? like kegels? i actually do this in the car while driving, although i don't have exercise on my mind. i do it when i pass by a tree or light pole... so weird, i know.


New member
is it like an exercise thing? like kegels? i actually do this in the car while driving, although i don't have exercise on my mind. i do it when i pass by a tree or light pole... so weird, i know.

Actually, it's nothign to do with exercises. It's totally sub-concious. .Though, I have been doing it for almost 6 years and now have amazing ass muscles! Plus side to it! :D It's most the blowing on the hand that gets me. I'm worried that this problem could get worse.


Well-known member
I quite often partially clench my fist and blow into it for some reason. Not like a whole lot but enough for me to wonder why the hell i do it. I sometimes clench my arm muscles too.


Well-known member
Yeah, I blow on my hands a lot. Like, after I touch something, sometimes I'll do that. I think it's that my hands feel dirty and it's as if that blows the germs away or something. Also, if I drop a piece of food on the table or something and then pick it up to eat it anyway, I'll blow on it first to get rid of the germs, or at least in my mind, anyway.


Well-known member
This doesn't have to equal OCD per se, these things could just be a set of (nervous) tics. I have several; I touch my top and bottom teeth together lightly when I drive past a marker on the road in the same way Dottie mentioned. I also repeatedly tap the caps lock on my keyboard on and off with my pinkie finger for no reason. Most people have one or more things like this that they do. I would say unless it's really impacting your quality of life, let it go. If it is, then do talk to someone about it.


New member
Ok, Thank you all for your answers. ^^ If the anxiety related to it gets any worse, then I'll probably go to my local clinic.. I just wanted to clarify, probably, for myself that I am not malfunctioning.
