Blushers vs Flushers


Well-known member
I am a blusher. I tend to blush more than the average, but I am not sure if I am really more prone than others to blushing on a physiological level or if it's just a matter of low self esteem. I am guessing I am just like anyone else but that I have more of an acute stress reaction. The blushing itself is quite "normal". I blush, face is heated, I become a little red (nothing too weird) and then it goes away after a minute or so.

Flushers on the other hand are telling me my problem is nothing and that they wish they had my problem since they flush (have pale skin) and their faces turns red with obvious blotches that stay on for a long time. They also say that they dont mind blushing, but that the flushing is a problem.

Are blushers envious of flushers and vice versa? Personally I might concider wanting to flush if it meant I didnt care about the blush. I dont know though.

My girlfriend is flushing on her chest and neck when she is excited or embarresed (stressed) but she doesnt make a big thing about it. I certainly dont give a rats ass.


Well-known member
I think I do both, sometimes it feels red and heated on my cheeks, sometimes it feels the whole head is throbbing. I rarely get to glimpse in a mirror when it's happening though, so i've no idea what it looks like. But yesterday I caught myself in a shop mirror and I was red from forehead to chin. This kinda lingers and turns into red orbs on my cheeks.

WHy would blushers be envious of flushers though, because flushing seems to be worse whereas blusing may get away with being 'cute'.


Well-known member
I dont know, it was just a theory. Is it really quite with a fully grown man blushing away? Personally I dont care if anyone is blushing, but I cant take it doing it myself.

Flushing stays on so long so if you have flushed once, then you're done so to speak, you dont flush again and again do you? With blushing it goes away, comes back, goes away, comes back. You can blush 20 times at one sitting. But usually I blush once and then im fine.


Well-known member
hahah I've never heard of flushing in comparison to blushing but i seem more on the flusher side.. I get pale and the red goes very red all over my face. It's excessive and lasts as long as I'm nervous and a while after... so annoying, sometimes i don't even notice until my cheeks are burning and then I realise it and makes me even more uncomfortable....