Bridesmaid's nuts


Active member
I have a really hard nut to crack right now. My very best friend is getting married soon. And she asked me to be her bridesmaid. I avoided such situations all my life, and this time I also refused. But, unfortunately she doesn't take no for the answer. And the truth is, she really doesn't have anyone else to ask. Honestly, I myself also don't want to let the SA govern my life. I don't want to run away all the time. I don't want to let down my best friend on the most important day of her life. I'm really scared though. Even at a single thought of the fact. And I'm really afraid how it all will look like. It will be my debut at such a situation. I just can assume how it will be look like as always at any interviews or similar situations I'm shaking, my voice is shaking or I feel nauseous. I've got no idea what to do. I feel like running away again, but I don't want to.

Secondly, as a bridesmaid I'm also supposed to organise the bridal shower. I have some ideas and some found on the Net. But I don't have much experience at organising parties. I did it once at my own flat (5 girls, a modest treat, that's all). But the bride wants to spend that night in a different city, which we don't know very well. I just don't know what to think of it.


Well-known member
Well consider this:

If it were your day and you were nervous about committing the rest of your life to someone and generally worried, and ou asked your best friend to be your bridesmaid and she said would you feel?

It's only 1 day, and you'll regret it for a long time if you don't do it.


Well-known member
think of it as an honor - she asked you because she thinks that highly of you

remember, the whole event is about her - try to focus on her and forget about yourself, and it will make it that much easier

as for the bridal shower, i recommend strippers


Well-known member
I feel for you and understand completely. The solemn atmosphere and all eyes on you and the inability to bolt would be nervewracking. If you go ahead with it, here are some tips:
- wear flat shoes because heels are scary when one is nervous
- carry something large in your hands to grip
- don't have your hair pulled back so your face is clearly visable - go for puffy hair or curls
- wear a long gown with volume - no Pippa Middleton dress for you.
- maybe take a mild beta blocker to calm you down an hour prior to the ceremony, but do not mix with alcohol.
- if you do drink, there is nothing wrong with a little champagne before the ceremony on this occasion.
- focus on the bridal couple/officiant and not the guests while the marriage voes are spoken.
- have a chair ready if you need to sit down.
- remember the focus will be on the bride and groom.


Well-known member

Woo, being bridesmaids, it's exciting, no?

Yeah, it is an honor... (wouldn't recommend strippers tho, unless she agrees - or specifically asks for them lol?? :) depends what kind of person she is?? or if coyote volunteers?? haha - I know a friend who would be delighted, and some who'd run away from such a party lol)

Well, when I was asked to be a bridesmaid by a friend I was super-nervous at the time too... I'm still glad I did it (though it was nervewrecking haha, I will kid you not, I was more nervous than the bride I think haha..)
It all went well/okay-ish, and well, I understand why they call that show bridezilla now :) I totally don't understand demands by some people but huh, if it means a lot to her, and you.. I mean, if she means a lot to you as a friend...?
(Just don't bend too far so you might regret it later and maybe even break off friendship for it? Discussions are usually doable and if she's a friend she'll understand some things too..) Think of it as an adventure maybe?

Think about it, have you ever wondered what it would be like, when you watched the movies etc? Chance to experience it!
(Even if it went not-so-great, at least you'd have memories and know what it's like!)

And have you ever wanted to explore a city by yourself? Maybe it could be fun? interesting, amazing? :) You could research and check it all online first, there are probably city guides too...? Maybe you even have friends or relatives in that city (or could explore couchsurfing/hospitalityclub or such communities?) Maybe someone from spw lives there or has been there?

(Lonely Planet has sections on which areas are safe in their guidebooks too, and some other guidebooks too I think?) There are some general guidelines online too? If there is a bunch of you together, it's probably pretty safe, especially if at least some of you agree to stay sober or sober-ish? (It's easier if you don't have friends who drink too much?)

If something feels really over the top, it'd still be probably good to try to get your mind across, maybe a compromise or win win situation can be reached? (I said no to golden sandals, I mean wtf?)
(If you're comfortable in heels or small heels by all means go for it, if not, something lower can be good, though I felt a bit 'under-dressed' in flats then, as others did have heels and uhm, golden sandals yikes??)

As for the gown - wear what you like and feel comfortable in! (Usually some sort of compromise can be achieved here too!) I had a lovely knee-length dress, nothing too flashy.. and a shawl to wrap myself in.. Just know that things with wires in (corset-like or such) only look good on pictures! (Not good for when you're sitting and trying to eat all the yummies!!)
And yes there will be yummies, most likely (if weddings over there are anything like ours) so just imagine how fun it will be to eat the yummies and wedding cake etc?

People will be looking at the bride, and you will be looking at the bride too..lf/when you get married, this will be good practice too!
You won't have to speak most probably (?) (you can discuss this, and the scenario, and what would be expected of you), and if there are more bridesmaids you can go together, so it's easier!

It's normal to cry at weddings or be sad, so this won't be such a big deal either, if you'd be visibly upset - hey a good friend's getting married!
Anyone could be touched. Maybe some mints or mint tea or mint drops on handkerchief or some other pick-me-ups could help?
Oh, and definitely eat enough on the day so you won't be too hungry and any alcohol will have less effect then too..

Do discuss any costs aforehand, and contemplate this side of it (I don't know what's expected over there), you can even look at some Polish forums...? In my country, expectations are different than in US, and many brides may have different expectations etc.

Courage! Fingers crossed all goes well!!
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Well-known member
Just do it and get free food. Also i'm afraid if you don't go it will hurt the bond you have now. A best friend means someone to count on when you need eachother.


Active member
Thank you for the support and the answers. Excuse me my prolonging absence.. I've had a really hectic week.

I hope my post won't be very confusing... I haven't found out how to reply properly with quotes etc... hope to do this soon.

Thank you Facethefear and Feathers ;) I found your advice very useful. Now, I really have the sense I can do something, and not just stay and wait to see how it will be like. I was really scared I'll faint or sth like that as it already happened to me on a similar occasion.
As I'm really petite for my age, I rather can't bury myself in a voluminous dress but yes, I'll look for sth you've suggested.
Thanks again ;)