Brit speak...


Well-known member
LilMissTragic said:
Ya know your getting old when ya no longer know what the hell the teenagers are going on

hehe i talk perfect sense. just my lack of 't's that stop anyone understanding me. oh and the odd piece of german put in instead of enlgish.


Well-known member
I find it funny that most people who are not from the UK think that we all have a London accent.

I come from the South West part of England and I used to get told I was putting on a fake accent (By non English people).. I guess that's why I don't like anyone hearing my voice too.

Edit: oops some typos


Well-known member
fawlty towers is fantastic, have you seen only fools and horses? thats the best if ya wanna see the english at their best
Don't forget Blackadder! Funny and educational - we watched it at school for History last year :lol: Not everyone gets that humour, but it's a killer if you do.

umm..birmingham slang stuff..

kev/sharon = that wear burberry, big hoopy earrings and have alnighters where they get pissed half to death on cider..beat anyone up they can.
Wow has 'chav' reached Birmingham too now?! :eek: I suppose The Sun newspaper has a lot to do with that. A fact of possible interest to any British: The word (and its subject) whose rise to fame has been described as an explosion by the tabloids was in fact in used by my nan's generation! 8O I happen go to school in the town in Kent considered by many to be where it started life, aeons ago. I won't be that specific about where I live, but it's been mentioned in the media so some might know... That's one of the place's few claims to fame so we should be proud of it, but unfortunately it's now sometimes used to give council estates a bad name. :( It's kind of become the British equivalent to 'trailer-trash'. Not nice.


Well-known member
I really hate the fact that people in the north are using the word chav now, its a right bastardisation of our slang by southerners. whatever happened to just plain scally?


Well-known member
yeh everywhere round here its chav but in my part of birmingham and mailny solihul then its kevs for the guys and shazas for the girls.


Well-known member
tends to be different everywhere. In the north east its charvers, north west it's scallies, in edinborough it's neds, in glasgow its schemies, leeds it's giptonites, leicester its dodgites, etc.


Well-known member
Another thing I can'tget over is how small your country Is. America is a huge country physically and population wise..with four time zones..well six if you count hawaii and alaska..I can imagine that I could drive from the north of the UK all the way down to the South in a day or Icould be wrong..I think the population of california alone is almost as much as the entire UK. Its more than the population of canada...I wonder what itwoulbe like to live in a country where everything is so dense. Theres tons of open spaces in the states. Wymoning is basically empty..utah..montana..there's plenty of that isolation leads to a lot of regional accents...the new york accent, boston accent...chicago, southern accent...midwestern..minnesotan...californian...its all different..there's almost 300 million americans! so you can imagine that there will be tons of different variations on english...Its kind of amazing that there are so many different accents in england in the UKas well considering its a lot more youwould think the language would've standardized by now...


Well-known member
yeah, in a way i'd like to be able to see the whole country in a dayish but then again, i like having open fields, and busy cities, cold, hot, wet, dry, everything. there wouldn't be enough space otherwise. but i imagine it'd be like traveling across europe, only instead of going across your own country land, you cross everyone else's :), i plan to go back to europe one day. i've only visited germany which was beautiful.


Well-known member
Hey, here in Canada, we get all our knowledge of the UK from watching Coronation Street. 8O A couple of things I'm not quite clear on though.
What is a fortnight?
What does it mean to get some kip?
What is a git?

A few Canadian terms are:
Hoser...a generally negative term for someone
Hose Head...same as above
Eh? an add-on we use to re-enforce a statement
What's new, eh?
Aparently, according to the Americans, we pronounce about as aboot.
Loonie is a $1 coin
2nie is a $2 coin
Tim Horton.. a famous hockey player but more recently a coffee chain that the whole country has become addicted to.
Take off eh..get out of here


Well-known member
Tim001 said:
Hey, here in Canada, we get all our knowledge of the UK from watching Coronation Street. 8O A couple of things I'm not quite clear on though.
What is a fortnight?
What does it mean to get some kip?
What is a git?

A few Canadian terms are:
Hoser...a generally negative term for someone
Hose Head...same as above
Eh? an add-on we use to re-enforce a statement
What's new, eh?
Aparently, according to the Americans, we pronounce about as aboot.
Loonie is a $1 coin
2nie is a $2 coin
Tim Horton.. a famous hockey player but more recently a coffee chain that the whole country has become addicted to.
Take off eh..get out of here
:arrow: a fortnight is two weeks
:arrow: to get some kip is to sleep
:arrow: a git is..just a name for someone a bit like asshole, dickhead..but more polite lol..e.g. you stupid git - you stupid annoying and uncaring man/person