Can OCD lead to PTSD?


Well-known member
Forgive me if I misunderstand PTSD. I'm currently having delusions in which I am a pedophile. This is the second time in a couple of months. I know, many of you already said I'm not, but the thing about OCD that you all know is that it takes more than that to calm ocd sufferers down. Anyway, I fear that all this self hate and depression will cause ptsd. The last time I had delusions in which I was a pedophile was traumatic enough...I'm sure you all went through this, but during that month where I was fully convinced that I was a pedophile, I thought that I molested someone in the past, I got banned from my old school, I became so suicidal, and most importantly, I could not stop abusing myself in my efforts to find out the truth. I can't believe I'm going through it all again, and this time, I'm pretty sure it'll last more than just a month.

But anyway, the main thing is: I REALLY don't want PTSD.
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