Can't really work out whats wrong with me


New member
Hi everyone. Last night I realised that my nerves around people are not healthy, out of curiousity I looked up 'people phobia' on the net and found out about something I had no idea existed.
I was at a wedding last night with my brother and many of his friends, it was something that I should have been looking foward to but I have been dreading the idea of being in a situation with people i do not see often and strangers. As I imagined there were lots of people in the reception, some I knew, sitting around tables and walking around socialising, a situation that sometimes scares me if i'm not too familiar with the people.
My usual solution for nerves (I know this sounds bad) is to drink more. I spoke to a friend of my brothers for a while, then i started to feel really ill, I was sweating and had this horrible feeling of paranoia. I noticed i was shaking so held my hands together trying to act normal, he later walked off to speak to friends. I was sat alone at the end of the table, that is when I started to feel really self-concsious, I didn't know where to look and just had cigarette after cigarette so I looked as though I was distracted, and not bothered by the fact I had no one to talk to. My brother noticed I was sitting alone and called me, he noticed that i was shaking so much when I gave him a cigarette, he took my hand and told me to calm down. I didn't know what excuse to give , so i worried him by saying I shake after drinking. To calm myself down I locked myself in the toilet and tried to stop myself from being so nervous.
It's such a horrible feeling to have, sometimes I'm confident around close friends, I have this two sided personality, I can be confident and crazy some nights, and others i'm a nervous wreck. I can't control my hands/ legs from shaking when i'm uncomfortable, and my hands sweating. I dread seeing people I know in my town, and sometimes take another route home to aviod contact. I think another problem that could have caused this is my speach. I say things really quickly as though I want to get what i'm saying over and done with, if people ask me to repeat myself I feel even worse, and thats why I say less.
Ok I wasn't meant to write this much, just wanted to describe what i'm feeling ! If someone does read this then I'd be grateful if you could let me know if these are symptoms of SP.
Hayley ***


I'm not an expert but it does sound like you suffer from social anxiety. I wouldn't feel bad about the shaking it happens to a lot of people. It's just the way your body reacts to that feeling of insecurity. My eyes start watering when I feel nervous. How embarrassing is that? Luckily I'm getting better and it hasn't happened for a long time. I do suggest you talk to a doctor. Drinking isn't a good solution. Therapy and prescription drugs might be a safer route. Hope that helps.


write untill your hearts content

Hey Molkolina
Sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. Now im not a licensed practitioner, nor have I been diagnosed with SP. What I can say is that I can relate with everything you said, I could tell you stories with the exact content of yours just change the setting and people. That must have been horrible. As much as I am grateful for not being alone in this, it pains me to know that others go through this torment. As far as drinking, it certainly helps lower my inhibitions, and if I could drink all the time I would. I'd also be in AA dealing with layers of problems adding years to my recovery. Talk to someone you trust. Myself, im seeing a counsellor because nobody I know really understands and I usually am rebuffed with "oh dont worry so much" or "everybodys like that". Anyway, "take courage, battle to be won".


I have the same symptoms as collin, when im in a social setting with strangers or even aquaintances i feel self-conscious and my eyes start watering for no reason. I also have some of ur symptoms, sometimes people dont understand what i say and i have to repeat myself, making me more nervous. I def can relate to both of u guys.


New member
Thanx everyone ! x
Am so happy that i'm not alone .. I have to sort out this problem soon cause i'm moving to the states for a few months in September, will be in a new culture and will have to make new friends :s ..
Do doctors recognise this ? Would tell my friends but they seem to think i'm the most confident out of them .. ! I wouldn' t be taken seriously.
Does anyone feel dizzy or drowsy with their nerves? I sometimes feel sick or faint ..