Cejala´s daughter, the human guinea pig...

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Well-known member
"How dare you talk to me this way! I would love to report you to whomever is incharge of this group for being so rude.

My daughter is not a ginny pig "

Cejala, I would love to report you to the police for mucking around with possibly dangerous electrical equipment, exposing your daughter irresponsibly to e.g. potential nerve damage which you evidently have no idea of whatsoever. There are reasons why the health authorities must approve of electrical equipment for medical use. I´ve never heard of any more callous examples of using a minor as guinea pig. I hope you did report my reply to you, because maybe someone responsible might look into all the totally mad experiments with unapproved drugs, useless clothing, disgusting surgery and blatant advertisements for online pharmacies that goes on in these forums.
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