challenge of the day


Well-known member
change your picture (if you dont already have this up) to a picture of yourself. :D

now before anyone thinks i'm judging or blah blah blah...
i was pretty hesitant of putting my pic up..i thought "what if someone i know see's this and makes fun of me" or what ever. but then i thought, if i can have a panic attack in public, where plenty of people can see my face, and see who i am what what's going on...then why can't i put a pic of myself as my profile picture on a site where EVERYONE here knows exactly how i feel.

i feel like being judged here is the least of anyone's worries, and i think that it would be an awesome step forward in kinda challenging your SA by doing so...even just for an hour, not even a whole day.

and if this isn't something you want to do...please, no rude comments..thanks

oh and ps:
i guarantee everyone here is beautiful ... ::eek::


Well-known member
Well, there is a separate profile pic, and albums and a picture thread to do this. I personally like my avatar, and well I am a lemur. =D

*EDIT*: I realized this is a daily challenge thing? Yeah this can be cool... =)

Hmm but I like my lemur pic. =D Anyways I got pics in my album and maybe I'll change for a day my avatar to my human form =D

Everyone here is beautiful.
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Well-known member
I agree with you. My picture is on the "Post your picture" thread, and another one is on my profile.

Possibly the pictures on the "Post your picture" thread are not visible because your browser options are set to "do not display images" (or words to that effect). I have that option set on my browser (Mozilla Firefox) on my PC at home because I only have dial-up and images take a long time to load.


Well-known member
Remus and lurknomore should participate in this. I would really like to see a proper picture of them.


Well-known member
I seriously thought that the "challenge of the day" was going to be to shave our pubes... why? xD
hrm...i think the real challenge would be to wait a couple weeks AND THEN try to shave your pubes...
spoiler alert>>>'s tough!