Coming to this web site


First of all I would like to say I am very happy I found this web site, and that I read other folks stories that are similar to mine. However many times I wish sometime I don't have to come back here anymore and hope I become better for the good. Do many of you think like this in a good way, in which one day you won't have to visit this site any longer?


Well-known member
I think about that sometimes, but I'm not convinced that I will ever get over this problem completely :roll: Hopefully it changes for the better, but it will never be totally out of my system, i don't think.


Well-known member
palenikana, yes I do think about that. But like maggie, I think that anxiety will be something that I'll have to deal with for the rest of my life; it's ingrained in my personality. My goal is to try and make anxiety manageable.

In some ways, though, there are parts of my anxious nature that I like. Sounds weird? Well it's true! :) I like the fact that I'm 'on edge' sometimes; it allows me to react quickly and effectively in stressful situations. I don't react quickly and effectively in ALL situations, of course; sometimes I completely crumble. Social situations are obviously the best example of this -- I totally lose it because at the moment I have a phobia about social contact / people and I freak out. But is this something that can never be learned or overcome? I don't believe so. I think I will always be kind of 'edgy' around people; necessarily so, because I'm 'edgy' at the best of times anyway. But I don't think that I will always be afraid of people. This, for me, is the difference, and I have made this my goal. I hope that makes sense.

Err... I've gone and gotten all off topic now, but yes, I intend to stick around for a while. And if I ever do beat this thing, I dunno, maybe I'll still make the occasional post anyway. It really helps to hear from people who've overcome SP, if for no other reason than it's proof that it CAN be done (read some of nickabcuk's posts if you can -- they truly are inspirational!)


Well-known member
Liking parts of the anxiety... :) yes I think reacting quickly to stress could be advantageous, although it hurts me being 'on edge' for a long time. It also allows me to run really fast in a built-up area compared to running in a park, I think the anxiety overrides the pain and 'RELAX' signals.

Has anyone asked therapists or doctors if SA websites are actually beneficial toward SA recovery? Just slightly curious.


Well-known member
I asked my psychologist. Or rather I told her that I spoke to people on a website and that I was interested to hear her opinion on this.

She told me psychologists were divided on the value of support groups and that this type of thing was essentially a support group.

In some cases, where people were motivated to improve and were being quite practical and positive, the groups were often beneficial. But support groups could also encourage people to be self-pitying and dwell on their problems and if that occured it would basically keep them from getting better.

She said she didn't think it was bad that I was a part of a group like this if it didn't become an opportunity for self-pity.

As to the original question - I'm confident that I am going to continue improving, but I have had so many problems with anxiety, I don't think they will disappear completely. I imagine that I will come here less regularly after a while and that's not a bad thing. I'm sure if I had a boyfriend I'd spend less time talking to people online! Only I haven't improved that much yet.