

I know this sounds simplistic but i think confidence the key to breaking this disorder. Who cares what other people think anyway, they're all nuts in one way or another, just do what you want.


Well-known member
i think confidence would definitely help

there just seems to be nothing to be confident about though...


Yeah can see the issue there, maybe just try and fake it. I get confidence just from nothing usually, just the mood i'm in at the time, i'm a very moody person though, swings all over the place.


Well-known member
i think its all about it, but the self-steem/self-confidence is not really that simple. When you say "screw the world" , you got to be prepared to deal with the good and the bad things, and that's the tricky part.

Pinker said:
I think the key is self confidence (assurance) and having things to occupy yourself with. You can gain confidence from having ideals and goals and applying yourself to them. At this moment in time I don't have anything going on so I dwell on all the bad things.

that's totally true, doing thing is always helpful! i wish i have the guts to go out and make something diferent. a new hobby or a try something


Yeah, your onto something there, i just joined a sports team a few weeks back, the first social thing i've done in about 2 years (no joke), and i feel a lot better


JonnyD said:
i think its all about it, but the self-steem/self-confidence is not really that simple. When you say "screw the world" , you got to be prepared to deal with the good and the bad things, and that's the tricky part.

Yeah, what i've been doing recently is when something bad or embarrassing does happen, i just tell myself "that's ok, it's all about taking the hits, it's only gonna make me stronger"