cure for ocd.


New member
is there any cure 4 ocd without takin medicaton. i'm kinna scared about takin medicine cuz i don't want it to make me lik a zombie and change my personality
There is no "cure" for OCD....

Some people over time have their OCD symptoms minimized; but more often than not there is no 'cure'...




bre said:
is there any cure 4 ocd without takin medicaton. i'm kinna scared about takin medicine cuz i don't want it to make me lik a zombie and change my personality

I have had great success with CBT, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, without using any medication but I believe success varies from person to person based on level of symptoms and other factors. Here is a link describing it,


Well-known member
No cure :(. I've never taken medication and I can just about manage without it because I fight it. The thoughts are wrong and we are right and as soon as we realise this it makes it a little easier. It's tiring fighting, but it's worth it in the end :)
it depends on what you do if u turn light switches on and off like 100 times turn tvo n and off get up and sit down and most of all touching wood to a serton number then there is a way without medication ocd medication tho isent that good but what i done was gone to Therapy and trust me 100% it will work u can do it ur self just get a piece of paper write down all the things and every week stop doing one of the things and after 1 year of therapy mine was eventualey gone but it was only this year its come back :( now its worse than ever u just gotta be strong


Well-known member
i have OCD, mostly Pure O, but I do have some compulsions, especially knocking on wood.

I found the following things to be helpful:
1. RESIST compulsions. The more you give in to compulsions, the more power you give them, and the more power you give your obsessions. Might sound too simple to be true, but believe me, this helps a GREAT deal.
2. WRITE down your thoughts, feelings, etc. I don't care if your obsessions are about killing and molesting babies - write it down and write down every feeling and thought you have about it. I do this with all my obsessions and it doesn't help right away, but for some reason the next day I wake up obsession-free.
3. TALK about it with a therapist, parent, good friend, etc. Therapists are the best because they understand the disorder. What they will tell you is this: OCD thoughts are not wrong because there is no such thing as a wrong thought, only wrong actions. And wrong actions can only be made right by realizing that it was wrong, making it up to those you wronged, and doing good things in general. Obsessing about it and punishing yourself is doing nothing but strengthening your OCD.

Remember that we're only on this planet once. Don't waste it worrying and feeling guilty. Live.


New member
bre said:
is there any cure 4 ocd without takin medicaton. i'm kinna scared about takin medicine cuz i don't want it to make me lik a zombie and change my personality

Yes, it is CBT. Cognitive Behavioural therapy. But you also need the will and a strong personality to help you.

I would say that I am cured and I know a guy whom I met at one of the OCD meetings that said he was cured. He was with OCD for about 15 yers, pretty bad.
I have never taken any medication but I started CBT a few months ( maybe 3) after my OCD started. And I loved and trusted my therapist. This is also important.

Somethimes I have stupid thoughts ( once every 6 months, let's say), well I guess it is just normal , but I know so strongly that they are stupid and do not define my personality , that I can ignore them. In the begining , I had to make an effort and to apply what I had learned to ignore them. Now it comes naturally, like with every non-OCD person.

Sometimes I think " what if I hit this person while I drive" or " What if I will do something innapropriate" ? These kind of questions use to torture me. Now I don't think of them more than 1-2 minutes and I dump them behind me. Because I KNOW that it's stupid . The diffrence between an OCD and a non-OCD person is that a non-OCD person who has a stupid thought KNOWS it is stupid and is not affraid of the thought.