Dammint, man!


Well-known member
You know what? I'm sick of all of this! It
s so boring! For the first time, I feel pretty OK about being shy. I'm convinced that people can still live happily, even if they do have problems.

There's no cure, man. There's no one shot, one kill, magic express route to escaping it all. Take all the pills you want, do what I did and try to find the mathematic notation for it all (lol), do whatever - you're just going to realize that no cure exists. And no, I'm not being negative about it. In fact, I've never felt so balanced out in my life.

Everytime somebody comes up with a cure, is seems so short termed. Have you ever felt completely psyched up for battling your shyness or anxiety? How long does that normally last - a day or so? And for all these people who use alcohol as a crutch - what the fuck. The more you have to use it, the more your body suffers the consequence. There's better ways to kill yourself.

So take a deep breath for a minute. Think about it. So what if you are shy/socially anxious/depressed/BDD/had a bad childhood/ or a million and half other things that basically means you don't like yourself? Dude, who cares? Don't spend the rest of your life in misery trying to figure it all out - it's so not worth it. I may only be 18, but I've dealt with this shit for long enough to know that the more you struggle, the harder it tugs on you. The more you relax, and just feel okay with it, the more it loosens it's grip.

It's so pointless. Nobody should have to spend their entire lives trying to merely 'escape' it all. I truly sympathize with any of you who feel this way, because I know all too much what it's like.

So to sum it all up, do what feels good. It doesn't always have to be an uphill battle. I've tried every cure in the book, and let me tell you off the bat - they're all bogus. Few work, most are quick fixes, and none of it is going to transform you into something you're not.

So dammit, man! I don't know about you. but this one's not going to be a fight for me anymore. I don't even fucking care - I'm just gonna live, with or without it. Anybody with me? :)


Well-known member
Vancouver said:
You know what? I'm sick of all of this! It
s so boring! For the first time, I feel pretty OK about being shy. I'm convinced that people can still live happily, even if they do have problems.

There's no cure, man. There's no one shot, one kill, magic express route to escaping it all. Take all the pills you want, do what I did and try to find the mathematic notation for it all (lol), do whatever - you're just going to realize that no cure exists. And no, I'm not being negative about it. In fact, I've never felt so balanced out in my life.

Everytime somebody comes up with a cure, is seems so short termed. Have you ever felt completely psyched up for battling your shyness or anxiety? How long does that normally last - a day or so? And for all these people who use alcohol as a crutch - what the fuck. The more you have to use it, the more your body suffers the consequence. There's better ways to send yourself to the grave (you can't say the K-Y phrase here?).

So take a deep breath for a minute. Think about it. So what if you are shy/socially anxious/depressed/BDD/had a bad childhood/ or a million and half other things that basically means you don't like yourself? Dude, who cares? Don't spend the rest of your life in misery trying to figure it all out - it's so not worth it. I may only be 18, but I've dealt with this shit for long enough to know that the more you struggle, the harder it tugs on you. The more you relax, and just feel okay with it, the more it loosens it's grip.

It's so pointless. Nobody should have to spend their entire lives trying to merely 'escape' it all. I truly sympathize with any of you who feel this way, because I know all too much what it's like.

So to sum it all up, do what feels good. It doesn't always have to be an uphill battle. I've tried every cure in the book, and let me tell you off the bat - they're all bogus. Few work, most are quick fixes, and none of it is going to transform you into something you're not.

So dammit, man! I don't know about you. but this one's not going to be a fight for me anymore. I don't even fucking care - I'm just gonna live, with or without it. Anybody with me? :)


Vancouver said:
Vancouver said:
You know what? I'm sick of all of this! It
s so boring! For the first time, I feel pretty OK about being shy. I'm convinced that people can still live happily, even if they do have problems.

There's no cure, man. There's no one shot, one kill, magic express route to escaping it all. Take all the pills you want, do what I did and try to find the mathematic notation for it all (lol), do whatever - you're just going to realize that no cure exists. And no, I'm not being negative about it. In fact, I've never felt so balanced out in my life.

Everytime somebody comes up with a cure, is seems so short termed. Have you ever felt completely psyched up for battling your shyness or anxiety? How long does that normally last - a day or so? And for all these people who use alcohol as a crutch - what the fuck. The more you have to use it, the more your body suffers the consequence. There's better ways to send yourself to the grave (you can't say the K-Y phrase here?).

So take a deep breath for a minute. Think about it. So what if you are shy/socially anxious/depressed/BDD/had a bad childhood/ or a million and half other things that basically means you don't like yourself? Dude, who cares? Don't spend the rest of your life in misery trying to figure it all out - it's so not worth it. I may only be 18, but I've dealt with this shit for long enough to know that the more you struggle, the harder it tugs on you. The more you relax, and just feel okay with it, the more it loosens it's grip.

It's so pointless. Nobody should have to spend their entire lives trying to merely 'escape' it all. I truly sympathize with any of you who feel this way, because I know all too much what it's like.

So to sum it all up, do what feels good. It doesn't always have to be an uphill battle. I've tried every cure in the book, and let me tell you off the bat - they're all bogus. Few work, most are quick fixes, and none of it is going to transform you into something you're not.

So dammit, man! I don't know about you. but this one's not going to be a fight for me anymore. I don't even fucking care - I'm just gonna live, with or without it. Anybody with me? :)

You sir, are a genius.


i gave your wods of wisdom a shot tonight and i'm pretty sure your dead on. i just started acting naturally for the first time in a while and poof... i felt amazing. your right, there is no cure. there is no mathmatic equation. its all about the balance.


Well-known member
Legiac said:
i gave your wods of wisdom a shot tonight and i'm pretty sure your dead on. i just started acting naturally for the first time in a while and poof... i felt amazing. your right, there is no cure. there is no mathmatic equation. its all about the balance.

Told ya!


I would, but I have no capacity to quit nor do I understand the meaning of giving up. That which i've been through has taught me that anything can be broken, anything can be mended, and the mere weight of the world transcended. The therapies are in place to show you the way, but if you do not believe, if you do not actively think all the time about your situation, and passively follow your psychotherapy, then of course you're not going to retain anything. It's sort of like reading a book by just looking at the words and not actually comprehending anything. The comprehension in this sense comes from hope, you must believe that it is possible to reduce, alleviate, and yes remit what torments you. A big component of this is to realize why you need to change, as humans will only change what they find disparaging in their personalities... and thus it would be truly horrible if you lay in content.

For social phobia is not something you can be content with, if there is anything in life worth living for, it is love. To attract a mate, a lover, a companion, one has to be able to communicate their sentiments with confidence, in order to build memories one must have friends, and in order to have friends one must be able to associate. Social phobia deprives one of all these things, it bears the very soul of a person to where their self-esteem is drained to a fault... where we won't stand for ourselves... because of it. It's a horrid existence, and one that is very treatable, for it was faulty psychology that got us here in the first place.

Check around, statistics state that roughly 80% of patients will find success when treated with CBT.
It's hard I know it is.. but I also know it's defeatable.


Im sorry but I have to disagree. I WILL find a cure or I WILL cure it. Fuck this shit, Im not going to adapt to it. Im going to fucking get it out of my head. If you had agreed and said: "Im going to live with it". No matter how optamistic you feel now I guarantee you, you wont feel the same during your next social interaction. Hide or FIGHT! Its your choice. Make the right decision. PUT YOURSELF INTO THERAPY. LEARN SOCAL SKILLS. OVERCOME YOUR FEAR.


Well-known member
abc_123 said:
Im sorry but I have to disagree. I WILL find a cure or I WILL cure it. Fuck this shit, Im not going to adapt to it. Im going to fucking get it out of my head. If you had agreed and said: "Im going to live with it". No matter how optamistic you feel now I guarantee you, you wont feel the same during your next social interaction. Hide or FIGHT! Its your choice. Make the right decision. PUT YOURSELF INTO THERAPY. LEARN SOCAL SKILLS. OVERCOME YOUR FEAR.

Hey, there's plenty of different solutions for different individuals. I feel more social with this new mindset than I ever have - the more I struggled, the more I was making it out to be such a big deal. People seem to like me more, I'm more talkative, and I feel pretty confident about myself in general. Also, not all of us have problems in the social-skills department, but are just a little too afraid to open up to others.

I guess I just relaxed and realized that even if nobody truly likes me, then I can at least count on ME to like me. From that point on, I haven't felt much like I'm gambling anything when I confront somebody or meet someone new.

Anyway, that's how I overcame my fear. Just by being myself and being honest with myself. But good luck to you as well, be sure to post back if you find your cure! ;)


Hey, that's great Vancover. Whatever works for you, works. I think I misinterpreted what you said, I thought you were implying to just accept the ailment and stop trying to fight it.. it seems like you've found a "unique" way to fight yours and that's great that it's working for you.
You're right though, it's unrealisitic to expect to get other people to like us all the time. It's not about impressing people or putting on performances, but rather it's all about being ourself and doing what we know is right.

Haha, I'm calling people to throw a party tomorrow... there's going to be girls there. :oops: anyone want to come?


Well-known member
you are so so right! I love your posts always so optimistic! :)

Let's all say it together..."I am giving up social anxiety, I'm just going to be me!" :lol: :lol:
Made me feel better anyway... :oops: :wink:

Thanks Vancouver! :D