Dealing with Face and Forehead Sweating


Well-known member
As a kid, I did not sweat a lot. But then when I was 14 I got social anxiety, and eventually I took Paxil and it helped a lot with my social anxiety! Except that it came with a nasty side effect, it made me sweat like crazy. After 7 years, I did a very slow taper and now I no longer take any Paxil. But I still sweat a lot! My hope is that with time the sweating will stop, because I think it was caused by the Paxil.

In the past I tried the Secure Wipes but they didn't help much at all. I tried Face Saver gel and that didn't help much either. I even tried the Avert/Robinul pills and they didn't help much. My face and forehead would continue to drip when I got nervous, was in a hot room, or did physical activities. I wish there was something to stop the sweating on my face but the Robinul and the wipes just didn't seem to help much. So as a result I've had to simply manage this nasty problem:

- I wear a baseball cap whenever I'm out in public. The cap covers my head and forehead so it hides the sweat, and it also can soak up some of the sweat before it drips down. Wearing a baseball cap is very useful to soak up and hide forehead sweat

- I drive in an air conditioned car, and if I need to walk, I try my best to go outside when the temperature is cooler and the sun is setting

- If I start sweating a lot in public, I try to go to the bathroom. I sit down on the toilet seat and wipe off my face and give myself a few minutes to cool off, then return to where I was

- If I sweat a lot, I give people a "look" that says "stop staring at my face and forehead". Most people will not look at me if they know I'm aware of them looking.

- My social life has suffered A LOT from facial hyperhidrosis. But there are some activities that allow me to hang out with friends without worrying too much about the sweat: going to the movies in a big dark theater, going to a sports game and sitting in the shade, going to an air conditioned restaurant, etc.

So basically I'm just managing my conditioning and trying to live despite a sweaty face, forehead, and scalp. I really hope that the sweating will stop eventually now that I no longer take Paxil. It was right around the time I started Paxil that the sweating started. But until that day I will continue to wear my baseball cap, sit in air conditioned places, drive air conditioned cars, and just try to live as best as I can.


Well-known member
yep we've got the same thing, and we cope the same... although i'm too cheap to use AC(gas) , i just roll down the windows n drive fast.


Well-known member
yep we've got the same thing, and we cope the same... although i'm too cheap to use AC(gas) , i just roll down the windows n drive fast.

If it's the fall or spring I don't use AC, but in the summer I kinda have to.
With 90 degree heat and humidity, AC helps a lot. Rolling down the window
helps a bit but if there's a lot of traffic you can't go fast enough to get much
air in the car. Also at a red light you won't get air flow.

When you are on the highway, using the AC is better because having
the windows open at 60 or 70 mph creates a lot of drag on the car so
the engine has to work harder. On the highway AC uses a bit less gas
than open windows. For slower driving AC uses up more gas
I definitely feel your frustration, as I still battle with this problem after 10 years. Fortunately, I found something that took away about 80% of my sweating issues that lasted from use of Effexor. These class of drugs definitely mess with your nervous system. Thanks effexor!

It's the Sota bio tuner. Microcurrents of electricity that is applied with ear clips to your lobes. It took about 3 weeks to notice some change, then after 5 weeks, I had a very noticable change in my sweating issues.

I used to sweat through all my clothes, all the time, even had to wear clothes that would hide the sweat... and when talking to anyone, my anxiety loop thoughts would make me start to sweat like crazy, my face would just start dripping, and i'd have to excuse myself...go the bathroom or something...very embarrassing.

I can wear normal clothes again...and i only start to sweat out of my face in extreme uncomfortable situations, such as where I feel i'm the center of attention in a large group or interview of some kind, but it's way more controllable, I can actually stop it most of the time.

If the sweating does occur, it is much much more mild...not like before where it looked like a just ran a marathon 30 seconds after the sweat began.

I also did go to hypnotherapy a couple times, not sure if it helped that much, but it may have added to it. Also tried EFT, and just started to use it again, as I believe this does help with anxiety of any kind.

I also gave the bio tuner to one of my friends who told me he had the same problem that just came out of nowhere one day. He didn't take any anti-depressants though, so not exactly sure why he had this problem. Although he did take other weight lifting supplements that might have caused a change in his nervous system.

He no longer has this issue of facial sweating since using the bio tuner for 2 months. I also gave him B6 (P5P) and magnesium citrate to assist the brain, which is what i took.

The bio tuner is thought to work on the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that is responsible for many functions including regulating body temperature.

Although I'm not completely fixed, a 80% reduction in sweating is pretty dam good, along with less social anxiety of course. For a while, I couldn't even walk into a store without getting dizzy and feeling like i'm going to pass out.

I'm still on my journey to ridding this annoying problem, but have had some remarkable success in my opinion, and naturally. I recently did some more hypnotherapy again, and again EFT came up, so doing this every day almost, with self hypnosis.

Self hypnosis is a powerful form of meditation. I highly recommend doing this. I can list some steps for you if anyone is interested.

I am now taking the same supplements as mentioned above, and added reishi mushroom and the 5 mushroom formula by mushroom science. I've only been taking it for about 20 days, but notice something positive. As with all supplements, they usually take a while to start taking effect. I would say most supplements take 4-5 weeks to really make changes in the body. They are not magic pills that work instantly or in a couple hours like those evil pharmaceuticals.

I was so impressed by this device, as i've been searching for years for something that would actually do something, that I decided to start a business of natural health products.

I will now only use pharma drugs for anything as a last resort.

I highly recommend you give it a try if you are still suffering from this which I assume you are since it's not easy to get rid of.

All the best and good luck on beating this thing.
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Well-known member
The Soto Bio Tuner sounds risky. I don't want electrical impulses going through
my brain. What if something goes wrong, it could cause damage.


Well-known member
Actually, these micro current devices are rather safe. I have tried a couple of them and they had no effect on my sweating. They can work for chronic pain.