Dear Brain, Please STFU


Well-known member
This may not make much sense - I am sleep deprived and thus my thoughts are not on track, but here goes...

It's pretty irritating when you're in the shower and you have a panic attack because your mind begins to race with unwanted thoughts about how I should be doing this, or need to finish that, or I really must get going on this thing....I don't have time to shower I must be doing....

Then when I actually go to DO (whatever IT is) I feel like my mind and body freeze, like I can't move forward to finish a task, if that makes sense.

I have only been sleeping a few hours a night for, at least, the past week. I know that plays some part. Doctor prescribed Trazodone but I can not take those due to bad side effects.

I pulled out my self-hypnosis and meditation mp3s but again, when I go to actually DO, I freeze...I don't understand it. My mind has all these racing thoughts of things I need, should be doing - and it's not huge things, just ordinary thing we all do, homework, cleaning, running to the store to get something, whatever...but I end up at a standstill thinking, where should I turn to next.

I have been thinking a lot about my home life as nothing has changed and seems to only get worse as time goes on and I only get older and less in charge of my life which scares the heck out of me...

My dreams, when I do sleep, have been filled with my mom who passed away in 2004. A couple nights ago, in my dream she 'showed' me an old friend of the family....makes me wonder if he passed away...


any suggestions would be helpful.


Well-known member
This may not make much sense - I am sleep deprived and thus my thoughts are not on track, but here goes...

It's pretty irritating when you're in the shower and you have a panic attack because your mind begins to race with unwanted thoughts about how I should be doing this, or need to finish that, or I really must get going on this thing....I don't have time to shower I must be doing....
OMG this is exactly what I've been going though lately. The negative thoughts come and go so fast I'm literally jumping out of my skin. I don't know which way to turn. I want to do this, but if I do I won't have time for that...what if I mess up?

Not getting any sleep, not more than 5 hours. I want to throw everything I own out the window (there's a lil rage there). I don't know what to do.


Well-known member
Things haven't been very good for you, Cowboyup, sorry to hear that.

I think I will use that as a mantra, whenever my mind races, which it is sure to do "Dear Brain. STFU.

For me its exercise = running, that shuts my mind up, my photography, also probably writing= journal, all the bad and good thoughts.

I beat panic attacks, by embracing the panic, asking me to show what it had, and realising it couldn't kill me. That way it lost its power.

I think you need to find the time for yourself, even if it is half an hour, to medititate do deep breathing.


Well-known member
OMG this is exactly what I've been going though lately. The negative thoughts come and go so fast I'm literally jumping out of my skin. I don't know which way to turn. I want to do this, but if I do I won't have time for that...what if I mess up?

Not getting any sleep, not more than 5 hours. I want to throw everything I own out the window (there's a lil rage there). I don't know what to do.

You too, huh, JuiceB? It's so .... just so....ARGH! Big Hugs to you - I feel your pain :idontknow:


Well-known member
Things haven't been very good for you, Cowboyup, sorry to hear that.

I think I will use that as a mantra, whenever my mind races, which it is sure to do "Dear Brain. STFU.

For me its exercise = running, that shuts my mind up, my photography, also probably writing= journal, all the bad and good thoughts.

I beat panic attacks, by embracing the panic, asking me to show what it had, and realising it couldn't kill me. That way it lost its power.

I think you need to find the time for yourself, even if it is half an hour, to medititate do deep breathing.

Congrats for beating panic attacks! It must have been a difficult task to do and to keep up with it as well :) That's wonderful!
I think that the 'keep moving' motto does apply and when one sticks with it, it does help like you suggest. Meditating and generally finding time to oneself, yes, I think that would be quite beneficial to me. I did dig out my mp3s to help quiet my mind, etc., now I must DO and not just sit and stare at them! lol

thanks for the advice, Kiwong

oh...I took a peek at your photos on 500px - incredibly beautiful work!
It's funny, I use 500px when I post on Quipio (app) because that site is good for many creative, beautiful photography - and yours are among them.
You rock! Thanks!! :bigsmile:


Well-known member
I can totally relate. On the small things, I have a tendency to procrastinate-wait a minute, that's exactly what I'm doing now!! Anyway, on the larger issues in my life, I sometimes freeze up and feel like I'm having a panic attack. Then I ruminate on my life and how far I am behind which makes me even more paralyzed with fear and anguish.

I am getting better though. I'm tackling my bigger problems and dealing with day to day tasks.

I've realized most of all my problems stem from fear. Fear of doing something, fear of not doing something. It may sound cliche, but Churchill got it right. The only thing you have to fear, is fear itself. Whether the fear is based on something real or imaginary, it doesn't matter. Once the fear takes hold, it has a life of it's own-all consuming.

Just try to move forward. Just do, don't think. Being scared all the time is no way to live. Now that I think about it, living in fear has been far more damaging than any real perceived threat I envisioned the fear to encompass. I'm tired of living this way. And you no what?.....I've stopped living in fear. Now, I do the things that use to scare me. Sure, I still feel fearful but my life isn't "as" governed by it anymore. The fear, turned out to be me...a preoccupation of "mostly" my imagination and insecurities.....