Degrees Of Social Anxiety


What is the degree of your SA? Just curious 8)

I understand that some people only have trouble with initiating conversations or with speaking with unfamiliar people. Mine is to the point of being nervous around people in general. I get the anxiety in the presence of almost anybody; even people who are close friends and some family :?

What is the degree of your SA?


Well-known member
I can go into a situation so long as i know there will be no interaction..
Ill be nervous but i can cope with it.
With speaking or communicating i can talk if i know that the person WANTS to talk to if they ask me a question. When i speak im nervous and i speak badly, mixing my words up.
When im with people i know im much more comfortable, but when alone in a very public situation i freak out, shaking etc.. but i still go out, ya know?

I find it difficult to talk to people of 'authority' especially parents. Men are easier to talk to than women..

I hate bieng the centte of attention, but if people dont pay attention to me i think its because they hate me..then i get worked up blah blah...
if that makes sense.
Im not a bad social phobic, i tend to carry on as best as i can but some days are worse than others. When i have panick attacks its just hell.


Well-known member
Mines to the point that i dont leave the house,i dont even leave this room if my mum has mates round,so i usualy go without food for a while depending how long they stay.


Well-known member
Mine extended to everyone, though it was much worse with authority figures. I've said this a lot lately, but if someone in the street gave me a less than approving look, I'd think about it for weeks. And I'd try to miss lessons if I'd forgotten books or something, because regardless of whether or not I'd get punished, a hint of anger from a teacher was enough to make it nearly impossible to hold in the tears, despite crying in class carrying the obvious risk of more judgement. Plus the usual story of feeling like everything was a performance, from talking to walking.


Active member
I have through the years tried to pretend it doesn't exist although now I can be honest ( and this place is good to talk openly in) social phobia has ruled my life, my choices, my everything, darn it! It's so limiting and it starts closing in so tightly that the limitations build upon themselves. I have become the most fantastic actress and people don't know the real me. When I say I don't really want to attend a party or whatever, they just think I'm so confident that I prefer my own company or have something more interesting to do. I'm so amazed people can't see through me, so much so that I've had enough and have started telling them all how fearful I really am, and who I really am and that I intend of changing the way I am and release this chronic fear. I am fearful of blushing mostly and the unpredictable nature of it, the fear of being noticed, singled out etc as it is the core or the starting point of where all the fear originated - was teased when I was a little girl, blushed, felt traumatic over it and there the seed was planted. It's going to take some time, but I'm planning of loving myself into it, having lived with it as this huge great weakness that will never be able to be accepted and set free. The face I have shown to the world is not who I truly am and that makes me feel sad. I deserve more than this, we all do!! I've done the crying, the anger, and I'm working on the acceptance. One day, if it comes and if it's part of my path, I'd like to help others, I'd like to reach others who live in this pain and give them a hand up.
We're all in this together :)