do y'all got this issue too


I got a question.....

Do y'all have troubles interacting and talking?
I always got this problem am very insecure and quiet
wonder whats wrong with me



New member
Most people have social anxiety. I don't because I find it unecessary. I think it's a waste of time to care what people think, most people are idiots anyways. I wake up without brushing my hair or teeth and just slap on a disney shirt and go to school and I don't worry what people think of me because I have family and true friends that love me and nothing else matters.


Well-known member
I experience both. I think I come of as socially awkward when I interact and talk to people. It stems from inexperience, but if I don't make an effort I won't move forward. In fact yesterday, I did something I thought I'd never be able to do: apologize to someone for past actions. I was also in a place where many people hated me. Regardless, I sucked it up and made an effort to socialize. Crazy, right? I could have stayed home and refused to go at all costs, but I forced my butt over. It was painful and embarassing as heck, but I was able to distract myself and maintain composure until I got home and cried my eyes out. WHat this experience taught me is I can still survive after massive loss of reputation and social standing. It's not the end of the world for me.


Well-known member
I definitely have trouble interacting and talking. Although I am a quiet person to begin with, a lot of it does come from my insecurities. It always makes it worse when people have to point out how "quiet or awkward" I am. I probably could be more at peace with being a quiet person if people didn't have to point the fact out all the time or make it out to be the most horrible thing.


Well-known member
I'm the same way. I even talk too low and find it very difficult to even speak louder if someone ask me to. It's embarrassing, discouraging, and makes me feel bad for myself. I'm trying to improve though.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Yeah! I just don't know what to say, end up sayin' the wrong thing. I fear coming across as as a total arsehole, which usually happens. And socially akward. I think my issues with interacting and talkin' stem from being racially bullied at primary school.

I'm also a very quiet, private, introverted person. I don't really like to talk about myself or how I feel at lotta the time, because I usually end regretting it.


Well-known member
I have trouble talking to most men, I get very intimidated for some reason. I am usually fine when talking to women. But regardless if there is a large group, forget about it, selective mute-ism takes over.


Well-known member
I am an odd duck as I can talk to people fine. I am the best at making small talk and most people have no idea that I have anxiety at all.. the problem is that the whole time I am talking to them I am holding my stomach tight and slowly making myself ill (and exhausting myself.) Then when I get home I ruminate over what I said and how stupid I was, or worry I offended someone.
It's so weird because I am funny and make everyone else feel at ease. I have a way of drawing people out but inside the tension builds and builds until I can't take anymore and eventually, without a break, I will break down in tears. It's so exhausting socializing that I avoid it.


Well-known member
I am an odd duck as I can talk to people fine. I am the best at making small talk and most people have no idea that I have anxiety at all.. the problem is that the whole time I am talking to them I am holding my stomach tight and slowly making myself ill (and exhausting myself.) Then when I get home I ruminate over what I said and how stupid I was, or worry I offended someone.
It's so weird because I am funny and make everyone else feel at ease. I have a way of drawing people out but inside the tension builds and builds until I can't take anymore and eventually, without a break, I will break down in tears. It's so exhausting socializing that I avoid it.

I'm the same way...


Well-known member
For sure, my problem is I never know what to say, also I have rather limited experiences so I feel unable to contribute interestingly to conversations. That said, I have successfully worked at various places while I interacted with people 'normally' by hiding my SA. I have most success when dealing with much older people. With younger people, they generally find me very boring and old fashion.