Do you ever avoid men or women you like?


Well-known member
Tell us how that works out for ya :D

Alright and here are the results:

So today we had to do a survey on a classmate we found interesting so we could write a small essay on what we thought of that classmate. I still think that assignment was very strange and invaded almost every aspect of privacy...

Anyway, I stayed at my seat because I was uncomfortable with asking people I barely knew personal questions. I noticed that Nathaniel (the guy I like) stayed seated as well. I felt really awkward because I wanted to talk to him but at the same time I was so overwhelmed by my crush on him and my anxiety got in the way for the millionth time.

I struggled with myself for a few minutes until I softly tapped him on the shoulder. My hand was shaking sooo bad at the time, I think it startled him a bit, haha. He turned around and I shyly asked him if he wanted to be my partner for the survey and he agreed with a lovely smile. We were both very awkward with each other at first but we eventually eased up and we even started cracking jokes with each other.

Once we finished the survey we relaxed and spent the rest of the period just talking about random things. I was very surprised with myself for actually being able to talk to my crush without completely losing my cool and I was even able to keep the conversation going. Not a single awkward silence!! I'm very happy with myself at the moment. I honestly never thought I would see this day :D
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Well-known member must be so happy!!!! Great job!!! You did fought through the nervousness and fear and got results.

Yayyyyyyy for you:D
Alright and here are the results:

So today we had to do a survey on a classmate we found interesting so we could write a small essay on what we thought of that classmate. I still think that assignment was very strange and invaded almost every aspect of privacy...

Anyway, I stayed at my seat because I was uncomfortable with asking people I barely knew personal questions. I noticed that Nathaniel (the guy I like) stayed seated as well. I felt really awkward because I wanted to talk to him but at the same time I was so overwhelmed by my crush on him and my anxiety got in the way for the millionth time.

I struggled with myself for a few minutes until I softly tapped him on the shoulder. My hand was shaking sooo bad at the time, I think it startled him a bit, haha. He turned around and I shyly asked him if he wanted to be my partner for the survey and he agreed with a lovely smile. We were both very awkward with each other at first but we eventually eased up and we even started cracking jokes with each other.

Once we finished the survey we relaxed and spent the rest of the period just talking about random things. I was very surprised with myself for actually being able to talk to my crush without completely losing my cool and I was even able to keep the conversation going. Not a single awkward silence!! I'm very happy with myself at the moment. I honestly never thought I would see this day :D

Well done. A testament to the possibility.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Alright and here are the results:

So today we had to do a survey on a classmate we found interesting so we could write a small essay on what we thought of that classmate. I still think that assignment was very strange and invaded almost every aspect of privacy...

Anyway, I stayed at my seat because I was uncomfortable with asking people I barely knew personal questions. I noticed that Nathaniel (the guy I like) stayed seated as well. I felt really awkward because I wanted to talk to him but at the same time I was so overwhelmed by my crush on him and my anxiety got in the way for the millionth time.

I struggled with myself for a few minutes until I softly tapped him on the shoulder. My hand was shaking sooo bad at the time, I think it startled him a bit, haha. He turned around and I shyly asked him if he wanted to be my partner for the survey and he agreed with a lovely smile. We were both very awkward with each other at first but we eventually eased up and we even started cracking jokes with each other.

Once we finished the survey we relaxed and spent the rest of the period just talking about random things. I was very surprised with myself for actually being able to talk to my crush without completely losing my cool and I was even able to keep the conversation going. Not a single awkward silence!! I'm very happy with myself at the moment. I honestly never thought I would see this day :D

That really made me smile. :D

Well done, Malice! :cool:


Well-known member
If ur a 30+ yr old woman and the guy u have a crush on is in his 30's to lower 40's and u have given him all the signals that u can in hopes that he will ask u out but it still hasn't happened, u shld do 1 of 2 things. 1: Ask him out. Brazenly. "Hi Jimmy, Will you go out with me on Saturday?" or 2: Stop obsessing over him. It is Not going to happen. Let go of the fantasy and go out with one of the guys thats actually asking u out on a date. It's either option 1 or 2. There's no gray area. It doesn't matter if he's got SA or not. Its option 1 or 2. Make a decision


Well-known member
I was just wondering if anyone gets anxious or too shy to approach or be around the opposite sex when very attracted to them?

If you know the person is interested in you romantically and wants your it better or you avoid them even more???

Yes because i cant bear the anxious feelings and dont want to feel inadequate lol. I tend to not make eye contact and ignore them completely so they think im not interested so they move on. Not good. ::(:


Well-known member
Don't you ever want love, companionship, intimacy....a family of your own?

Do you ever wish they would just go away>? Do you regret shutting them down and ''avoiding'' them afterwards when they are gone?

This is all so sad to me:(


Well-known member
Not really.

I mean i can talk to them

I just feel like i'm not good enough. So i don't bother :/


Well-known member
I avoid everyone, especially women whom I fancy. I've been broken too many times and I'm just numb to their charms, and mine are nonexistent.


Well-known member
I'm kind of the opposite. I tend to be attracted to people I'm more comfortable around, so I get kind of clingy with people I like. It's everyone else that I try to avoid.