Do you ever totally embaress yourself infront of friends?


Well-known member
Not feeling well today, really run down, still went over to visit friends today i dont like letting people down affraid i will lose them.
Any way stood in a friends kitchen everyone laughing and taking the piss out of stuff and i started getting really bad lip twitches when i tried to smile.
It put a real downer on everyone i dont think they knew were to look :oops:
God i feel like such an idiot i wouldnt blame any of them if they didnt speak to me again.
Whats the worst anxiety related thing you do infront of friends/family?


Well-known member
Re: Do you ever totally embaress yourself infront of friends

blue said:
Not feeling well today, really run down, still went over to visit friends today i dont like letting people down affraid i will lose them.
Any way stood in a friends kitchen everyone laughing and taking the piss out of stuff and i started getting really bad lip twitches when i tried to smile.
It put a real downer on everyone i dont think they knew were to look :oops:
God i feel like such an idiot i wouldnt blame any of them if they didnt speak to me again.
Whats the worst anxiety related thing you do infront of friends/family?

when i am with friends i hate it when the conversation goes on the subject of woman...i really really feel my heart beating when this happen cause i know that if they ask me something i'll be blushing and embarrased cause i ve nothing to say and they 'll pretend they didn notice,but i will know that i 'll look like a fool!but i'd rather do that than lie about it