Does anyone else have this problem...?


New member

This is gonna sound kinda odd (maybe), and I feel silly writing about this, but does anyone else find that their symptoms are all tied in with needing the loo? I find that if I'm out anywhere I have to know where the nearest loos are and am terrified about being caught short, and it's this that brings on the feelings of panic, rather than a fear of panic attacks. I also think that things are easier when I'm on my own, as I don't have to tell the people that I'm with that I need the loo and make them wait for me etc etc.

Things were managable when I was at uni (possibly because I was living away from my parents, possibly because I was living in the centre of town and therefore could go to the shops and buy food etc whilst still being only about 5 mins away from a loo), but have been getting worse and worse since I got home last weekend (most probably because I now have to deal with mum's new boyfriend, soon to be husband, etc etc)

Anywho, I was wondering if anyone else found that their symptoms (either social anxiety or agoraphobia) manifested themselves in this manner.

Thanks for listening! :roll:


Personally no I've never had that problem that I know of. It does make perfect sense though. It would be embarrassing to be caught short.

I'm not one to like public restrooms anyway, I'm a bit "going-shy". If I go out (rarely) I'll try my darndest to avoid needing to go. Same goes for school. I'll hold it all day if it is within my willpower. Perhaps this stems from agoraphobia though, I don't know.

And don't feel silly about it. I think I saw another thread with a similar question. No worries :D


New member
there is nothing strange in what you are describing. while there are general commonalities within the social anxiety group, each person will have unique aspects or situations that they find harder. it is part of what makes us human.

difficulty using public toilets is quite common, the fact that it is particularly bad for you is not strange. traumatic events in your past may have conditioned this, but that doesn't matter. social anxiety can be treated without any reference to your past or history. cognitive behavioural therapy is aimed at how you think and behave now. a good psychologist trained in social anxiety can tailor therapy to your problems and will speed up recovery.

please believe me when i say that these psychologists are used to dealing with people like us, and think nothing of our problems when they go home to their own lives... it is just their job. if you don't find the right psychologist first time, try again, don't give up


Well-known member
I'm not sure its exactly the same, but my Entire Agoraphobia has stemmed from needing the loo. All I get is a thought of needing it and I start to need to go, I get so panicked about it that I fear I too will have an accident. I started to avoid this happening and have found myself going out less and less. Like I say I doubt its the same but if it is toilet related I guess I can atleast be someone in a similar boat I guess, to talk too. Sometimes you feel like your the only one with such a problem, I know I did until I came to this forum. :D