Does anyone really understand us?


Well-known member
Most people that I know say what I go through is completely stupid and I should "stop" .. What they dont understand is that I have, I've tried plenty of times and its not as if I can wake up one day and say "Hmm I think im gonna stop being afraid of people and just completely change who I am to fit how everyone else thinks I should be!" and then just become a social butterfly.. If it were truely that easy im sure alot of us would have already changed outselves to fit in more with everyone else. My parents always tell me its all in my head and that most teens feel the same way I do.. I highly doubt that is true or everyone at school wouldn't be able to continue a conversation with anyone else.

Everyone at my school is constantly asking why I dont talk or why I never smile or why im always stareing at the grond and it only makes me feel worse. Everyone is always teling me to talk more and when im around someone I barely know they always end up saying "I never heard you say anything.. say something" I always end up saying what? or something to keep them from focusing on me but it really only makes me feel worse and even more anti-social.

Another thing that bothers me is the fact my parents are always telling me to go outside and meet people so I dont sit inside my house all summer, they act as if its the easiest thing in the world, then i have to hear them talk about how they were when they were younger "Man, when I was you age I was so popular and everyone hung with me" I wish she'd understand im NOT her and that I am my own person with my own problems and my own social status. I really feel like no one truely understands me, and never will.

My boyfriend seems to understand me, he even says he does, but often he will think its odd that I act a certin way in a certin place and he will even sometimes try to convince me nothings wrong with the situation, he doesnt understand that I know how i feel is sometimes sorta without an actual possible reason but it doesnt change how I feel about it and I've told him that but he still tries to help me, which is nice of him but it really doesnt help. Sometimes it seems like he's only trying to understand me I know it will take time for him to fully understand me but I still feel as if no one in my life will ever really understand me..

Do any of you have someone that really understands you that isnt also Social Phobic?? Even your parents or spouse?? Or is it just normal for no one to ever really understand how you really feel inside??

((P.S. is anyone else here 16 yrs old?? or even around that age??))


Active member
no I don't think anyone understands me you'r lucky you have a boyfriend every boyfriend I try to get to know runs away from me because they say why don't you talk to me and it really hurts I feel like shit all the time Ive been thinking of buying some shyness pills from the net because my life is not a life I feel alone and scard I don't want to feel like this no more I'm 21 and I feel like I would do anything now just to be normal ..if i could sale my soul to the devil I would just to stop the pain :cry: I don't care if the pills kill me in the end.. as long as I would die happy


Well-known member
hey there...i understand u completely and no, no one understands me, and im not too comfortable opening up and telling friends because I know they wouldnt understand. It's very frustrating but you'll get through it. And im 17 right around your age :)


Well-known member
Anonymous said:
hey there...i understand u completely and no, no one understands me, and im not too comfortable opening up and telling friends because I know they wouldnt understand. It's very frustrating but you'll get through it. And im 17 right around your age :)

--Guest(the person that wrote the quote above^^)
Do you have instant messenger?? Im looking for some people (perferably around my age) to talk with online during the rest of the summer since I dont have any friends out side of school except one which his parents only let me see him on certin days cuz they dont want him to get close to me since they dont really like me (they say im too shy and stuff :cry: ), so it gets really lonely here... =( (this goes for anyone around my age) If you have Instant messenger and you might want to talk sometime Email me at [email protected] (P.S. i have aim/msn/yahoo/meca instant messengers.. lol and yet no one to talk to...)


Well-known member
No people don't understand thats one think i know, and everything you have writen makes sense to me and I have the same feelings.

One thing that I said to my counsellor is I want to be happy! Fair enough really but the he ask how? i never really considered that question and nobody can really answer it for you it something you have to find out for yourself. I spent most of my teenage life looking at other people and attempting to work out why people like them and trying to be morelike them not realising that I wasn't being myself. This confidence business people keep saying you should have is as much a mind game as having SP, just on different ends of the scale. My expectations from people constantly having a go for the exact reasons you have stated plus my own observations of how other people react to certain behaviours has made me think i have to be this confident person or nobody will like me. Well screw that its not working, I don't want to be this amazing confident person its not realistic, whats the point of going through your whole life trying to please people when they probably don't give a shit either.
I know I'm ramble on a bit and sometimes loose focus on what I'm trying to say but I hope there is something in here that helps.

I know for myself its not working and if I can get myself this upset and i know i can turn it round and make my self happy. Sod them its my fucking life! (apologies for language)
8O :p


Well-known member
One day I asked someone (I don't remember what I asked) And the next moment people all staring at me. Someone said "What a miracle! He talked!" and other people all asking "what did he say?". Oh my god... embarrassing...

The mom thing. LOL. I think it's a common problem for us, social phobic teens. :D Just don't take her seriously.

Good luck!


Well-known member
Anonymous said:
hello, id be glad to help the 17 yr old who posted before. and I do have MSN.

My MSN name is [email protected]
(by the time I got a computer all the good MSN names were taken)

neuron100 - I know how you feel about everyone saying something about you talking. Everyone at school is always amazed when i talk and they tell everyone around them that I spoke to them. Then im afraid to eat infront of people so when I decide to grab something small to snack on everyone is always saying something about it. I really wish people would just keep there sarcasm to themselves and realize its not helping.


Well-known member
In response to the original thought/question:

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2004 8:32 pm Post subject: Does anyone really understand us?

My opinion/answer:
