Does being Drunk around Other People make you Anxious?


Well-known member
alcohol drunk in moderation can give a little boost to my confidence and give me spontaneity and makes me relax a bit so i can be more social. Too much i would feel tipsy and can't think straight and we know what happens next.


New member
I used to drink but since having an anxiety disorder/panic attacks/agoraphobia I haven't touched a drop, not even in chocolates etc. I hate alcohol and see it as poison and I hate being around people who are drinking. I think it has something to do with the sick which I associate with drunk people and the unpredictability of people under the influnce.

Lisa x x x


Well-known member
hamandcheese said:
Prince1, any idea why your anxiety goes up when you get a bit tipsy at first?

I actually think that I don' t like being drunk aroud others for fear of looking foolish. I think that's why my anxiety goes up when I drink instead of down.

My anxiety goes down like anyone else when I'm having a bottle of wine in my house with my girlfriend, cause there's nobody else around, but I always like to be composed around other people especially in pubs.

Hmmm i think its because im still not drunk enough to not feel anxious so i fear making myself look stupid even more untill im drunk enough to not care. Kinda like what you said. How drunk are u when ur still anxious?


Active member
when i drink just a little it makes me sleepy and i really get quieter coz my mind doesn't work well
when i drink more i control myself too much because i'm afraid i will say something really stupid when i'm druk so alcohol really makes my sa worse


Active member
Hi everyone

When I'm out I dislike how people act when they're drunk, even when it's my friends or girlfriend, I feel like they change.

When I see people drunk, I always see them as being something I don't want to be and if I give in and drink, I usually end up hating myself for it.

Drinking used to lower my anxiety when I went out but now it just makes me tired and depressed and more anxious. I'd usually feel like this only after a couple of drinks and I wouldn't want to get drunk after that 'cause it doesn't feel good.

Keep replying everyone, it's a great help, thanks!


Active member
The last couple of comments were particularly helpful.

As roxy was saying, I also feel more in control of my drinking when it's me and my g/f at home with wine, but not in a crowded pub.

Then Leesa was saying about not liking being around people who are drunk. I can most certainly empathise with that.

And finally elProscrito, you seem to react the same way to alcohol as I do. I feel that I could control my SA well enough if I was sober in a crowded pub, but introduce drink into the mix and my ability to cope shuts down.

All the comments that I haven't mentioned have been most helpful and encouraging as well!

Thanks everyone


Active member
hey i just came across this thread, looks like nobody has posted here in a while.
Anyways, I can most definitely relate to this thread in general. Whenever I am drunk, it increases my anxiety. I think for me it has to do with the fact that we have been made to believe that alcohol will help you get chicks or whatever. My past experiences in the beginning of drinking, it was nothing like what it was made out to be. I can always remember the night before, and am always in control. (no matter how drunk i get). While others have a "great time" and are really outgoing. I guess it also doesnt help that I am in crowded places.
It sucks though because everyone goes to bars and clubs drinking....
I think it just emphasises my mood. If I am comfortable then I will be really outoing and really comfortable with my self when drunk. If I am in a anxious situation then I will feel really really anxious when drunk in that same situation....does that make sense? can anyone relate?

ps. its really cool knowing others out there like me with alcohol...


Well-known member
it was in fact yesterday, I got myself drunk at a college leaving party. And I hugged everyone and told them I was sorry for not speaking to them and then amazingly, I bumped into my old best friend who I lost six years ago and apologized to her too. It was really nice=) like a dream, because in my dreams they are exactly like this, -connecting with people and seeing my old best friend again. I danced with a random guy on the dance-floor... it's insane! But, I won't drink again anytime soon, this was only my second time and I'm too melodramatic about my health:p


Well-known member
I grew up in a family of violent drunks, so naturally- I don't drink and I don't like being around drunk people. It does make me anxious.

I guess there's two types; the type who will also get drunk because everyone else is drunk and play along-- and the type who cleans up after everyone and breaks up fights because they are the only responsible sober person around.
I'm the second one; although I do get panic attacks and severe irritation.
Alcohol has always taken away my social inhibitions. It melts a lot of my social anxiety away. It's sad I can't drink it often because it gives me migraines.


Well-known member
Usually my SA disappears when I drink, but it have happened on occasion that it has worsened when I'm intoxicated.