Does your friends/family know about you depression?


Well-known member
Do you pretend like nothing is wrong at school/work/with family? But when you get home become your true self?

A few of mine does more or less know that I don't like much. I told a friend after som talking and I happened to reveal a little bit to my mother and sisters.


Well-known member
My imdiate family knows the full extent of my SP... after all they are the ones who took me to a doc. SP and certainly shyness is not a concept alien to them.

As for extended family, (well the ones that I see relatively regularly), some probably suspect I am different (ie can't hold a conversation, don't have many friends etc etc), but I haven't talked to them about it.

As for my own friends, I have only told three of them about it and both times it was while I was drunk. I haven't told any of my school or uni friends although I did admit to two of them once I did take meds, but I didn't elaborate.

For the most part, I try to hide the problems I have, but sooner or later they realise the sort of person I am. Sure most don't know my problems by the name Social Phobia, but I don't have to tell them that I don't have many friends, I am extremely shy. At times I feel so transparent.



Well-known member
No one knows I'm depressed at all, I have never told anyone I know and I always pretend to be really happy though I'm not. I feel like depression has such a bad stigma to it, and if I tell my mom she'll feel like she failed as a mother, and feel like a lot of people will think I'm suicidal even though I'm not b/c I have suicidal thoughts but would never act on them. Plus I feel like I don't have a right to be depressed, many people w/ depression have had a hard life or some huge trauma that led to thier depression and I'm not like this...SA and possibly genetics are the only reasons I'm depressed


Well-known member
As soon as i get home my positive, happy persona dissapears and i become this sad hopeless wreck again.


Active member
My family and close friends know I have depression and a panic disorder. I was in denial about the depression part at first, but it was from my realisation that my depression is a result of a chemical imbalance, sure there was the death of my childhood pet that sank me to a new level, but it's a chemical irregularity.

Knowing this is was able to explain to the people around me that my being depressed is like having the flu, you can't just say go away and you'll get better, it's something your mind and body has to go through, it took a while for them to fully grasp this concept, but gradually they've come to understand and just support as best they can.

I think the hardest thing in telling people that you have depression is informing them of the truth of what depression really is, it's not just that you're making a choice to be sad and down, it's a physical and emotional symptom of the chemicals in your head.


Well-known member
i told a sibling im seeing a doctor for anxiety an dthey told me theres nothing wrong with you, but if it'll make you feel better go and see a doctor. so i did and now about a year later after my thearapy treatment im still feeling like shit. i dont keep my hair cut for months or give a shit about how i dress. i lay around in my free time. and look all sad at home so i havent told about being depressed but them might be albe to tell im just not happy with my life. my parents would have no clue, their immigrants from a different place where they dont even know about SA. and when im out with friends i only go on weekends and i drink with hem. drinking makes me happy so i guess they wouldnt be able to tell that sometimes i just wanna die!!!!!! i guess i didnt want anyone outside my family to even no but no i dont care if they say im depressed, SA though i couldnt tell them. sorry for a long boring post :(