dream theory


Well-known member
Do you think your dreams ever represent your struggles against anxiety? I've started to wonder if mine do. Ever since I can remember, if I am trying to run in a dream, I can't. If I'm running in my dreams it's usually because I want to get somewhere, but I can hardly move. I feel like I'm being pushed back. I put all my energy into it and it's exhausting. That's exactly how I feel about SA. I just thought that was interesting.


Yeah I have had dreams like that sometimes but, I've never looked at it from that perspective. I like to believe that our subconscience can send us messages through dreams... But who the hell knows really.



Well-known member
If your thoughts revolve around a certain theme during the day, during a dream it can manifest due to the flow and 'tidying' up of the brain. Thats what I think anyway. So of course its possible to have such dreams. *I'm sure there is a scientific way of describing it*

They are after all, you. And nothing more. Formed of memory and to some extent, imagination.


Well-known member
LonelyGirl said:
Do you think your dreams ever represent your struggles against anxiety? I've started to wonder if mine do. Ever since I can remember, if I am trying to run in a dream, I can't. If I'm running in my dreams it's usually because I want to get somewhere, but I can hardly move. I feel like I'm being pushed back. I put all my energy into it and it's exhausting. That's exactly how I feel about SA. I just thought that was interesting.

that's similar to a dream i have. i dream i am fighting with random people and when i go to punch them my fist goes in slow motion and doesn't even hit them, it just pats them. it's like a feeling of being helpless or too insecure to REALLY assert myself.


Well-known member
This might be a little off topic but your dreams are actually caused by a drug your body naturally produces in a gland in your brain called DMT. So basically when you dream you are tripping out on a hallucinogenic. I've heard therapists and stuff talk about dreams relating to real life issues, i guess somehow DMT plays a roll in that.

People actually find ways to extract this shit from grass and use it like shrooms and apparently its like no other drug you'll ever experience. The way someone described it was you go a different world in your head.

Just a random interesting fact..if anyone cares.


LonelyGirl said:
Do you think your dreams ever represent your struggles against anxiety? I've started to wonder if mine do.

Absolutely. Like you, I have running dreams, but none where I felt stuck or inhibited.

Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?

that's similar to a dream i have. i dream i am fighting with random people and when i go to punch them my fist goes in slow motion and doesn't even hit them, it just pats them. it's like a feeling of being helpless or too insecure to REALLY assert myself.

Damn, ha. I've had the same dream so many times!



Well-known member
For what it matters the best time to dream is to wake up early morning and fall asleep again.

Hmm sleep paralysis, you know I described this to plenty of people and they thought I was just crazy... but now I have a wiki page to show them lol. I used to get it a fair amount.


Well-known member
I've never experienced sleep paralysis. I'd never even heard of it until now. I just looked it up on wikipedia. Sounds scary!


Well-known member
dottie & m1tch : i have the same dream pretty often, is it possbible?
I dont have an explanaition for it,like you dotte & i also dont really love to fight in my dreams; and especially to feel SPic in my dreams.


Well-known member
My recurring nightmare is a pack of wolves chasing me. I'm usually hiding in a big ditch, sweating with fear while they're walking around near me. It seems like it represents me running and hiding from my fears all the time :?


rado31 said:
dottie & m1tch : i have the same dream pretty often, is it possbible?
I dont have an explanaition for it,like you dotte & i also dont really love to fight in my dreams; and especially to feel SPic in my dreams.

I hope we don't end up fighting each other in dreamland. :lol: Maybe it's already happened?! 8O Anyhow, jest aside; i find that a perturbed mind can be quite the persistent beast. Even sleep/dreaming can't verily offer respite from its nagging, chewing, prodding, vexing, in short: disturbance of being.

P.s. -- Sleep paralysis is hell.


Active member
I can't remember any of my sleeping dreams, but all my day dreams are the same... Usually involve finnaly fitting in... then reality comes up and slaps me when I'm finished...


Well-known member
Dreams have represented my struggles. I've had what you could call "Romance Dreams". These were dreams that actually involved falling in love with someone. Nothing physical was involved at all. They don't happen alot, but when they do they're devastating. :cry:
thats weird how other people have dreams like that too. Ill be running from something and i like can move anywhere and like i feel very disorientated. also a few more things i wanted to talk about is why do you never reliaze you are just having a dream? i have only been aware i was having a dream once. and there has been a time where ive had the same dream over and over like 4 times.
Ive read a book about dream interpreting, i do not remember the name off of the top of my head, but if anyone would like I will tell you , i would just need to look for it in my house.

Sometimes your dreams can be literal meanings, like if you dream that someone is yelling wake up at you, but your looking that peerson in the face in the dream, that person is yelling for you to get up while your sleeping. This is just like a standard dream, but it applies to otheer things like if you dream of your toe hurting, you may have stubbed your toe earlier that day. Most dreams are not like this, but it is not rare to experience dreams like these ones.

The other kind of dreams are the ones where your mind likes to make puzzles for you to solve by using metaphors and emotions to hint to the dreamer what the message is.

My recurring nightmare is a pack of wolves chasing me. I'm usually hiding in a big ditch, sweating with fear while they're walking around near me. It seems like it represents me running and hiding from my fears all the time

With this dream not only is it reaccuring, but it uses fear so that the dream is easily remembered. The big ditch can resemble a stumble in the dreamers life, or a gap in a relationship, or a hole that the dreamer put himself into financially. The wolf is noble, cautious, and a leader, since there are many of them, they could resemble all the people that tried to lead him in life, that push him or "chase him" to do beter, but maybe he isnt ready to be pushed yet, so thats why he hides in the hole.

This dream is reacurring because it tells the dreamer that he hasnt reacted to it yet, and since this is a dream that inst a literal dream, unless this actually happened to him before and he has post dramatic stress from it, the dream may be telling him to be more assertive and maybe even let the wolves or " leaders" show him where to go instead of hiding in the ditch or " gap" that could also display his confidence". The wolves could be showing him where to get the money, or how to do whatever it is to get out of the hole, they are patrolling around the hole, because they are watching and trying to guide him out somehow.


Well-known member
I think I can relate a bit.

I'd say most of the times my dreams are just normal, and they actually revolve around something that happened during the day.

But for many years, once every couple of months I'll get a dream just as some of you describe...where I have to run but I can barely move and it's all in slow motion and very sluggish...

I've had some dream where I'm able to fly, I've had these dream only a couple of times every year but I've had them for a long time.

Never really got into it to see if they have any specific meaning...
Well angel of death, if you can describe a dream to its fullest detail, like where you where flying or what you were wearing , or anything descriptive, if you like i could give a shot at interpreting it.

You dream every night, if you remember it or not, but try this..... tell yourself many times before you go sleep " i will remember my dream when i awake" or something more comfortable you would like to say to yourself that has the same meaning. And when you wake up, when you remember your dream, you might have to lie still for a few minutes and and relax untill the dream comes back to your memory. When this happens, write down your dream immediately, with as much detail as possible.

Your body and mind try to tell you something every night, it could be something minor to being somthing life-changing. But most of the time dreams are like parables and are hard to understand. If your up to it, i will go for it, and tell you how i interepted it afterwords.... its a lot easier than you might think. Interpereting dreams has a lot to do with word relations, symbolism and of course literal meanings, thank god i loved doing those excersizes simaular to these subjects in English courses during college :D


New member
I have fairly regular dreams in which my eyesight is either impaired or I am completely blind. I've never considered it being related to my anxiety before but now you've mentioned it I could see it being possible. I always feel a sense of despair and fear in these dreams, and often I am in a familiar place (at home, relative's house) and I try to 'feel' my way around to get help.


Well-known member
My dreams about sex defenetly represent a struggle haha
Seriously though Its just the sub-concious. I wouldnt bother to make any sence or reason to them.