

I don't know if this has been brought up before, but does anybody find it easier to interact with people when your drunk. I'm about to roll out to the bars with my roommates right now and I'm cool with that cus I've been drinking for about 4 hours now. What are ya'll experiences with that?


Well-known member
Yes, i have all the self confidence in the world when i am drunk but it doesn't solve anything because it just makes me feel sooo bad when i am sober and remember how i acted when i was drunk.


Well-known member
Beer is groooosssss. Plus, I don't need a crutch. If I'm going to make a total asshole of myself in public, I'm going to do it SOBER and WITH STYLE.


Well-known member
I wish. 1 beer and i'm already woozy. 2 beers would probably kill me. Thats the power of an asian liver for you.


straight ya'll. I just got back and had a pretty good time. My roommate tells me our success with women in bars is directly proportional to how drunk I am. Considering I could barely see straight when we left, it makes sense. I won't get into the details but keep the replies coming. Peace

There's a thin line between buzzed, drunk, and out of control. Moderation is the key to drinking. However, I don't think it should be a part of recovery / treatment. Most employers or dates would not appreciate an inebriated employee / date. Sure, in a club or disco it's okay, but almost everywhere else it's not. Best to work on your issues with a clear, sober mind.


I should clarify, I do not go to class or work or about my everyday life drunk, nor do I use drinking as a means of recovery/therapy. There I do deal with my social issues with a clear and sober mind. I only drink in appropriate situations, i.e. bars/clubs/parties, even then I rarely black out or am out of control. However once in these situations with a few drinks in me I find it much easier to initiate and hold conversation, at least for a little while.
I've tried not drinking at these places and am noticeably uncomfortable and usually end up just going home early. Being moderately drunk and able to interact with people makes me feel more, I hesitate to say, normal, at least for a few hours.


Well-known member
Jay-T said:
I should clarify, I do not go to class or work or about my everyday life drunk, nor do I use drinking as a means of recovery/therapy. There I do deal with my social issues with a clear and sober mind. I only drink in appropriate situations, i.e. bars/clubs/parties, even then I rarely black out or am out of control. However once in these situations with a few drinks in me I find it much easier to initiate and hold conversation, at least for a little while.
I've tried not drinking at these places and am noticeably uncomfortable and usually end up just going home early. Being moderately drunk and able to interact with people makes me feel more, I hesitate to say, normal, at least for a few hours.

Cheers to that mate!! It's basically what alcohol is for.

Alcohol is called "social lubricant" for a reason. It's not good to live your life drunk (that's incredibly stupid and irresponsible) but a drink loosens people up and lets them relax, and sometimes that's all you need is to just relax and enjoy what's happening around you. I've met many friends and have had many good times that I never would have had had I not been well "lubricated"

I don't think it's good to use alcohol as a crutch... but it's never good to use ANYTHING as a crutch (SA included).