Ever been called a freak and/or a loser?

I was called that in highschool. Someone said about me, "there's just something about him that nobody likes" That hurt alot, to say the least.


Well-known member
Loser - I was once told i was a loser for wearing teddy bear socks! People! Every excuse to call someone a loser - to pull them down lower than them.
Yes i've had freak and weirdo - so i learnt to keep quite so nobody would think that, but then nobody likes me cause i don't talk enough and don't relate to people - damned either way - you know i think i am going to encourage the inner 'weirdo' to resurface in public - FUCK EM!


Well-known member
Are you implying that i would dare to call you such things - i shall contemplate about whether i should be offended or not.


Well-known member
Okay well if you must grovel i love tulips and well, anything chocolate really - but no turkish delight centers - can't stand it.
And what's with the knee?


Well-known member
Isawthelight said:
I was called that in highschool. Someone said about me, "there's just something about him that nobody likes" That hurt alot, to say the least.

I'm called "freak" & "loser" ALL the time. And I've said for years that there's something about me that no one likes...and I do mean NO ONE.


Well-known member
Freak and loser,yea heard that a lot a school,and a few times since lol.I can get on with anyone unless they go out of there way to annoy me,i like to think im easy to talk to but years of crap at school can leave you bitter about meeting new people :|

I think theres something about us all that know one likes,i hate my self so i can easily see why others hate me also...


Have people called me a freak and/or loser, yeah i'd say so, but you know what, it doesn't matter what they think. I'm now of the opinion, why let someone else's opinion of you be your own?? I KNOW i'm not a loser, and quite frankly i'd rather be a freak/different than normal, most of the people i've met in my life have been very normal, unoriginal and mostly down right rude!

The trouble with school was/is, conformity and people seeking acceptance from "friends" who'll trample over them and use them as a social stepladder. Well to everyone here who has been mistreated, i ask you to raise your middle finger back at these people!


Staff member
I have Becks song "loser" as my ringtone :p

I've been called it alot too, mainly by my ex (mum of my kids), until I told her what was up with me and the main cause for it, now she feels guilty and has been alot more understanding


Well-known member
More so when I was younger I was called Freak, whatever....but nowadays I just know I'm a Freak, ha ha....I don't really care what anyone thinks as such, I just hate feeling miserable all the time, because my life is just a pile of ****.


Well-known member
I've been told that:

I'm a loooooser

A freak

I'll never amount to anything

I'll never get a job

I'm a faggot

I'm a bitch


I wish these people would make their minds up. :lol:


Well-known member
my sister's ex boyfriend used to hold me real down! after a day of solitudness at the collage, when i went home he was always there... he was the cherry on the cake! never told me that im freak or weird but he used to hurt me so much with his words that i started the problem with VERY VERY VERY Low self esteem. he used to tell me that the only friends i have likes me just because i'm never real with them... and also was not the first time that told me "go and find a friend" and starts laughing. i had friends more than i have now and his words reaallllyyy cuts as a knife!

then thanks to him i realise what a WONDERFUL person i am!... if i wasnt then why he would try to hold me down??? i dont know what he though that i had so wonderful inside me but the point is that he was jelause of me... and now thank god he is no longer with my sister and is amazing how i'm looking to myself. i used to make self esteems tests and always resulted me that i needed help cuz i always was 10% and below. now it raised to 53% and the only thing that i need to work on is my social confidence.

and there were class mates i think who tought that i'm a bit weird, there were about 3 persons who gave me that impression... they were the 3 that noticed me lonely. one of them smiled at me when i saw him in a night club so he doesnt think that im that weird i think so. and the other 2... well i get really really red when they walked beside me and i was always so serious infront of them so i think they still find me weird cuz the only place they know me is at school and there i was always lonely.


Falling, i think that's a great way of looking at things. You can choose how you look back on your past... the main way in which i'd done that was to accept other people's opinions of me as the truth, i'd been doing it for years and it became second nature i guess. Now thanks to reading about other people with similar problems and how they overcame them, i can choose to think that it's other people with the problem and it always had been through school... why else would various people try and "take me down" with their words? It wasn't like i was actually horrible to anyone at any point... so jealousy and using me as a social stepladder are the two reasons i can think of.


Well-known member
Broken_dude said:
Falling, i think that's a great way of looking at things. You can choose how you look back on your past... the main way in which i'd done that was to accept other people's opinions of me as the truth, i'd been doing it for years and it became second nature i guess. Now thanks to reading about other people with similar problems and how they overcame them, i can choose to think that it's other people with the problem and it always had been through school... why else would various people try and "take me down" with their words? It wasn't like i was actually horrible to anyone at any point... so jealousy and using me as a social stepladder are the two reasons i can think of.

well i was feeling really miserable to myself, couldnt even look at the mirror! but then there was a day i was thinking why such people hate me.. and stopped thinkg for a second and told to myself "why i have to hate myself just because others hates me just bcuz they donn't know me at all?!" my sister' ex knew very well and thats why i end up with the conclusuion that he was jelause cuz he even tried to hold me down about the way i look. most of people say that im good looking but he always was so mad at me in EVERYTHING i did GOOD!

and when you look at the past... avoid hurting yourself... you know that you arent the things they told you that you are.is their problem if they dont know you well.there is someone knows you more than you know yourslef? no! so dont give a shit to persons that are jelause of you! and be thankful to them for the person you are/will become!


Well-known member
No, I've never really been called a freak or a loser by kids in school. My bro calls me a loser sometimes, but I don't really care about him. lol. And sometimes people will just call me a loser in a joking matter if I do something dorky. haha. Some people in school have said I was quiet and weird before though. Although I don't understand fully how quiet always seems to equal weird.


Well-known member
Yeah, I've been called freak and loser. Actually, I used to be called almost everything in the book from a walking encylopedia to a satanic devil worshiper (just cause I liked heavy metal). Now people tell me I'm the most normal rational person they know :roll: . It used to bother me a lot. I wanted to fit in so badly and never did. Now I accept myself for who I am and think of myself as unique. I couldn't care less what others think of me and no longer try to fit in anywhere. I'm myself and if people don't like it it's their loss. :lol:


Well-known member
McShy said:
LittleMissScareAll said:
Isawthelight said:
I was called that in highschool. Someone said about me, "there's just something about him that nobody likes" That hurt alot, to say the least.

I'm called "freak" & "loser" ALL the time. And I've said for years that there's something about me that no one likes...and I do mean NO ONE.

One the other hand apart from that one 'something' we're all supposed to dislike..what about the bags of other somethings we do like? Or don't you read the nice things we all say about you? Maybe we're not loud enough....HEY WE LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe we should all change our forums names to YesWeReallyDoLikeYou


Well-known member
McShy said:
Boundless said:
McShy said:
LittleMissScareAll said:
Isawthelight said:
I was called that in highschool. Someone said about me, "there's just something about him that nobody likes" That hurt alot, to say the least.

I'm called "freak" & "loser" ALL the time. And I've said for years that there's something about me that no one likes...and I do mean NO ONE.

One the other hand apart from that one 'something' we're all supposed to dislike..what about the bags of other somethings we do like? Or don't you read the nice things we all say about you? Maybe we're not loud enough....HEY WE LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe we should all change our forums names to YesWeReallyDoLikeYou

Yep I think I am beginning to get support fatigue..maybe I should take some time off. See my goldfish post.




Well-known member
Kezada said:
McShy said:
Boundless said:
McShy said:
LittleMissScareAll said:
Isawthelight said:
I was called that in highschool. Someone said about me, "there's just something about him that nobody likes" That hurt alot, to say the least.

I'm called "freak" & "loser" ALL the time. And I've said for years that there's something about me that no one likes...and I do mean NO ONE.

One the other hand apart from that one 'something' we're all supposed to dislike..what about the bags of other somethings we do like? Or don't you read the nice things we all say about you? Maybe we're not loud enough....HEY WE LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe we should all change our forums names to YesWeReallyDoLikeYou

Yep I think I am beginning to get support fatigue..maybe I should take some time off. See my goldfish post.



Grow up :lol: